Fearful that "change" is coming, congress is working hard in this lame duck session to get as much as they can. Congress is working in a raise in the auto bail out package for federal judges.
The raise — an annual cost of living adjustment, or COLA — would bring U.S. District court judges up to par with members of Congress, who will receive an almost $5,000 boost on Jan. 1. District judges and lawmakers now earn $169,300 a year but are expected to be awarded a 2.8 percent raise next year, said Dick Carelli, a spokesman for the Administrative Office of the United States Courts.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., insisted that the judicial pay raise go into the automaker loan measure, which is the only item of business on Congress' lame-duck agenda.
Lead of course by Harry Reid. I am NOT SAYING federal judges don't deserve a raise. I am simply showing how its more of the same in congress. Call some legislation an auto bailout, education, national security etc. bill, and pile on unrelated pork and spending.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Hurry UP!!! ..........................Change is Coming!!!
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:25 AM
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Ken Blackwell Announces Run for RNC Chair
Ken Blackwell, former Ohio Secretary of State, has announced his run for the position of Chairman of the Republican National Committee. His announcement letter can be found here.
I think Blackwell would have made a fine Governor, and I believe he has a bright future in the Republican party.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
11:20 AM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
ODOT Driving business out of NW Ohio
ODOT has increased the special permit fee for heavy loads over 3000% from $55 a quarter to $500 a quarter. Now trucks which have been using the Port of Toledo for shipping will instead choose Michigan ports to avoid the fee.
I e-mailed each state and federal representative and senator yesterday, as well as the governor. I got canned, auto-reply messages from many, but a personal email from Mark Wagoner. Mark also attached his letter to ODOT, sent the same day. I am working on posting the letter, but my blog inexperience is holding me up.
This move by ODOT will kill the Port of Toledo's recent success and the intermodal project. Get on the horn to everyone and anyone who will listen. If they won't listen, make them.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:29 AM
Honored Thanks
Happy Veteran's day. Please call, e-mail, write or personally thank a veteran or their families for their service today.
For some it is hard not to be cynical in these post-election days. But, believe in our Constitution, respect the office of the President, and continue to support and defend our Country.
Likewise, a belated happy birthday Marines.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:12 AM
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Educated but Misguided - a Harvard Socialist
While both Presidential candidates spout rhetoric about how they will change policies, taxes, and all manner of government work, the most direct way they can impact our daily lives and liberties is through the Supreme Court.
Obama has stated - he believes the founding fathers got it wrong. He believes that the Constitution should be an enabling document, not a restricting document. While our tradition and history, gained through the tyranny of Britain, the blood of our forefathers, and the brilliance of the Founding Fathers - all point to the Constitution as a document to RESTRICT the power of government; Obama wants the Constitution and our legal system to make it an EMPOWERING document.
Currently all rights not specifically surrendered to the government remain with the citizens. Thus the Constitution LIMITS government power. Obama wants the Constitution to GIVE power to Government, and, only give the people those rights specifically granted. This flips the intention of a Democratic Republic on its head.
Obama will have the government exercise all powers not clearly given to the populous. While it should be the other way - the populous shall retain all rights not specifically granted to the government for very specific narrow purposes.
Obama is clear he thinks the Supreme Court has been wrong in not enforcing his wealth sharing, socialist version of what is right. He is clear that he thinks the Government is the proper entity to determine what the words of the Constitution mean, and what rights we retain.
He wants a Constitution that is "living." Which means subject to the whims and changes of culture with the ease of the stroke of a pen. The Constitution is changeable - but that change must be slow, deliberate, and difficult. It is the basis for a government system that was forged in revolution, drafted with a global look at human history over the ages, and the brilliance of the Founding Fathers who saw past the immediate needs and into the future of freedom.
Obama is clear - he will change the tenor and core of the Supreme Court with lifetime appointments - possible 2-3 Justices - naming judges who follow his belief that the Constitution is WRONG, and must be changed.
Please - regardless of the rhetoric - realize this is the single most powerful way the President can permanently effect our history and day to day lives and liberty - more so than the power as Commander in Chief, and vote accordingly.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:20 AM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
We The Sheeple!
Who is helping to formulate the public's perceptions about the election? Sadly, in most instances in America, its the media. And, is the "mainstream media" balanced, objective, or equal in the presentation of the issues and candidates. OF COURSE NOT.
From the Washington Post today.
Study: Coverage of McCain Much More Negative Than That of Obama
By Howard Kurtz
Media coverage of John McCain has been heavily unfavorable since the political conventions, more than three times as negative as the portrayal of Barack Obama, a new study says. Fifty-seven percent of the print and broadcast stories about the Republican nominee were decidedly negative, the Project for Excellence in Journalism says in a report out today, while 14 percent were positive.
Will the TRUTH set us free? Probably not on November 4th, 2008. I admit, it is each citizens duty to inform themselves of the issues, facts, and records of the candidates. But given that the "mainstream" media is pumped into our homes via airwaves regulated by the Federal Govt. And given that the large media companies, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN claim to be objective news providers, shouldn't they be held accountable for their bias? OR at least shouldn't the American sheeple know how they are being led? Don't get me started on NPR, a station funded with tax dollars.
I am not yet convinced Obama will win the election, but I am convinced a majority of voters are being mislead and lied to by the media.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
1:24 PM
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
New Electric Cars in the Blade
Today's Blade has an article about the up and coming electric cars from Chrysler.
I am for all types of efficient affordable transportation that lessens our dependence on foreign oil. I do not believe fossil fuels are EVIL, but recognize they are a finite resource.
BUT, when people talk about electric cars, or hybrids, how come they don't ask this question.
Where do we get the electricity to run them?
Why don't people ask this question? Because most on the left/environmental side don't want to admit the answer. The most efficient, safe, clean source of electricity is nuclear power, a four letter word in their world. What is the second most available source -- coal fired power plants. An evil carbon resource.
Now I am sure liberal anti-energy development proponents would counter with, What about hydro-electric? But that is oppression of the fishes. OR - Don't discount solar and wind power! I won't discount them, but I won't rationally consider them until the technology discounts their cost.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
4:33 PM
Opportunity Lost
Earlier this week I attended the Ohio Trucking Association state convention here in Toledo. This convention brings together some of the most powerful business interests in the state and nation. Officers from global companies such as Cummins and Chevron were present. Representatives from the larges trucking companies in Ohio and the nation were in attendance, along with small operations and single owner-operators. There were also a few lawyers and other service industry representatives such as insurance agents.
Mayor Finkbeiner was scheduled to open the convention. A chance to address the collective group of powerful businessmen and women who are key to any growth of Toledo's, Lucas County's and Ohio's business community. But, at the start of the convention, it was expressed to the audience that organizers were uncertain if the Mayor was coming, so they started without him.
He showed up late, about 30 minutes late. Carty breezed into the room, read and presented a plaque showing a "proclamation" of how important the OTA was with a bunch of "whereas" language, gave lip service to the InterModal Project, and left.
Instead of addressing the group with sincere comments, encouragement, and plans for making Toledo and NW Ohio more business friendly and profitable for all, he insulted a group of powerful business people, and strolled off, not to be seen again at the two day event.
Now I don't know what was on his calender for the day. I don't know what pressing business kept him from getting out of bed on time, and meeting his commitment to this group at 8 a.m., or what occupied his time for the next two full days of convention; but I do know he did the City and its citizens a disservice with his actions and attitude.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
2:29 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Extreme Makeover Cynisism
I truly enjoy the show - I have changed my purchasing habits to use companies such as Sears who support the show. But I find myself becoming more cynical, and I predicted this to a co-worker.
"The University of Toledo is offering full scholarships for all 11 boys — with a potential value of more than $250,000 — and Lourdes College will give scholarships of $2,000 per year, per child, renewable for four years."
UT - A PUBLIC UNIVERSITY - funded by TAXES - giving away 11 scholarships based solely on the fact that these children made it on TV!!! This I have a problem with. Lourdes College- GREAT - private university. Private citizens or private companies raising or donating a fund for college - EVEN BETTER. But, for UT to give these scholarships to these 11 kids is improper.
Come all ye haters and attackers - I know your out there. It is situations like this which pit my human sympathy and empathy against my political ideology and economic philosophy which make for the best debate.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
10:00 AM
Friday, September 5, 2008
Check The Record
ZerObama is claiming that he will cut the taxes of 95% of Americans, however, his party's history and his RECORD, prove this to be an outright lie, or an Epiphany and the Turning Over a New Leaf of epic proportions.
I say its a lie.
ABC’s Terry Moran: “[O]bama was considered a reliable liberal Democratic vote in Illinois. For instance, voting for most gun control measures, opposing efforts to ban so-called partial birth abortions and supporting hundreds of tax increases.” (ABC’s “Nightline,” 2/25/08)
In 2004, Obama voted for a $304 million tax increase on businesses in creating the Tax Shelter Voluntary Compliance Act. (H.B. 848, Illinois Senate Floor Third Reading, Passed 30-28-1, 5/20/04, Obama Voted Yea; Dave McKinney, “Blagojevich Threatens Up To 5,000 State Layoffs,” Chicago Sun-Times, 5/21/04)
*“The governor’s bid to raise taxes and fees by close to $400 million and reel in another $300 million-plus in corporate tax breaks has triggered a huge outcry from business groups, which contend the moves will drive companies out of state and cause Illinois to lose jobs.” (Dave McKinney and Leslie Griffy, “Blagojevich Threatens Up To 5,000 State Layoffs,” Chicago Sun-Times, 5/21/04)
“Obama voted for a bill during the 2003 Illinois General Assembly legislative session that raised a huge number of fees and taxes for businesses and licenses to cover day-to-day expenses of state government.” (Terrence L. Barnich, Op-Ed, “4 Partisan Questions For Obama,” Chicago Tribune, 7/29/04)
*“Almost 17,000 fewer commercial trucks and 2,700 fewer trucking companies have been registered in Illinois for 2005, fueling the trucking industry’s claim that Gov. Rod Blagojevich is driving businesses out of the state with his new fees and business taxes.” (Brian Wallheimer, “Governor’s New Fees Are Driving Trucking Firms Out Of Illinois, Industry Says,” St. Louis Post- Dispatch, 5/5/04)
In 2003, Obama voted to tax natural gas purchased outside of Illinois. (S.B. 1733, Bill Status, www.ilga.gov, Accessed 2/11/08; S.B. 1733: Concurrence In House Amendment #4, Passed 31-27-00, 5/31/03, Obama Voted Yea)
*“The natural gas tax. A new policy under Blagojevich’s budget will make natural gas more expensive to industrial buyers. Currently, Illinois offers an exemption on the sales tax paid for natural gas, but the new budget ends that exemption, a move that could become a major expense for steel mills and other factories that use large quantities of natural gas.” (Kevin McDermott, “Area Dodged Legislative Hit On Schools, Roads,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 6/8/03)
* Obama voted for the Natural Gas Tax, which threatened jobs, at the same time that Illinois was leading the Nation in jobs lost. “Just as harmful to the state’s economy are the large taxes on natural gas brought from out-of-state suppliers and the rolling stock sales tax. Both of these taxes will negatively affect important businesses as well as the employees who are dependent on these Illinois companies. I have received phone calls and letters from all sectors of the business community who reported that the projected loss of revenues due to these increased taxes and fees may well cause them to close their facilities in Illinois and move to a more business-friendly surrounding state while still serving Illinois customers. Illinois leads the nation in jobs lost. We cannot afford to drive more businesses from our state.” (State Rep. Carolyn Krause, Op-Ed, “Increase Tax Incentives, Not Taxes For Businesses,” Chicago Tribune, 6/13/03)
In 1999, Obama voted in favor of S.B. 1028 to create the Illinois First Infrastructu
re Program, which raised 146 taxes and fees. (S.B. 1028: Senate Floor Third Reading, Passed, 58-0-0, 3/23/99, Obama Voted Yea; S.B. 1028: Senate Conference Committee Report, Passed, 42-17-0, 5/21/99, Obama Voted Yea; Editorial, “Jack Ryan Woefully Unprepared For Attack On Obama,” The State Journal-Register, 4/18/04)
It’s no surprise that Obama would raise taxes as President, because he’s repeatedly voted for higher taxes in the Senate:
Obama Voted At Least 94 Times For Higher Taxes In The U.S. Senate. (RNC Research)
*To date, Obama has voted for a tax increase approximately once EVERY FIVE DAYS Congress Has Been In Session. (RNC Research; The Library Of Congress Website, thomas.loc.gov, Accessed 6/8/08)
Obama Voted At Least 12 Times For Higher Income Taxes. (RNC Research)
Obama Voted Against Marriage Penalty Relief At Least Twice. (RNC Research)
Obama Voted Against Extending The Expanded Child Tax Credit. (RNC Research)
Obama Voted At Least 3 Times Against Repealing The 1993 Income Tax Increase On Social Security Benefits. (RNC Research)
Obama Has Voted At Least 5 Times Against Providing Relief From The Alternative Minimum Tax. (RNC Research)
Obama Has Voted At Least 7 Times Against Tax Incentives Benefiting Small Business. (RNC Research)
Obama Voted Against Capital Gains Tax Cuts At Least 9 Times. (RNC Research)
Obama Voted Against Tax Cuts On Dividend Income At Least 9 Times. (RNC Research)
Obama Voted In Favor Of The Democrats’ FY 2009 Budget, Which Would Raise Tax Rates For Americans Earning As Little As $31,850:
Obama Voted Twice In Favor Of The Democrats’ FY 2009 Budget Resolution. (S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #85, Adopted 51-44: R 2-43; D 47-1; I 2-0, 3/14/08, Obama Voted Yea; S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #142: Adopted 48- 45: R 2- 44; D 44- 1; I 2-0, 6/4/08, Obama Voted Yea)
“Under both Democratic plans, tax rates would increase by 3 percentage points for each of the 25 percent, 28 percent and 33 percent brackets. At present, the 25 percent bracket begins at $31,850 for individuals and $63,700 for married couples. The 35 percent bracket on incomes over $349,700 would jump to 39.6 percent.” (Andrew Taylor, “Presidential Hopefuls To Vote On Budget,” The Associated Press, 3/13/08)
NOTE: Obama’s vote for the Democrats’ Budget is at odds with his rhetoric on the campaign trail, where he claims he’ll provide tax relief for working Americans. Obama: “I’ll give a tax cut to working people …” (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At A Campaign Rally, Denver, CO, 1/30/08)
“In 2006, [Obama] was one of 13 Senate Democrats with a PERFECT Liberal score on economic issues.” (Richard E. Cohen, “Left To Right,” National Journal, 3/3/07) –emphasis mine–
Americans for Tax Reform gave Obama a lifetime rating of 7.5 Out Of 100. (Americans For Tax Reform Website, www.atr.org, Accessed 1/29/08)
Citizens Against Government Waste gave Obama a lifetime rating of 22 out Of 100. (Citizens Against Government Waste, “CCAGW Challenges Presidential Candidates On Earmarks,” Press Release, 12/27/07)
The National Taxpayers Union gave Obama a grade of “F” for his fiscal voting record. (National Taxpayers Union Website, www.ntu.org, Accessed 9/25/07)
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce gave Obama a 33 percent rating in 2007. (U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Website, www.uschamber.com, Accessed 6/6/08)
Source: http://savagepolitics.com/?p=770
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
12:36 PM
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A New Slogan for Change
As I watched Gov. Palin's historic speech last night, and saw the delegates chanting when Obama was mentioned I came up with a new slogan. Feel free to use and steal it, just give the AssHole Lawyer some credit
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
12:36 PM
Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Labor Day!
Happy Labor Day. If you are currently in labor, or your water has broken, please go to the hospital. Otherwise, a parade is fine. However, at the parade be careful using words such as Freedom, Liberty, Choice, and Lower Taxes. It would be best to wear you Obama T-Shirt if you don't want any trouble.
Big labor -- that's right Big Labor not Big Oil is increasing its influence on the Democrat party and expects to get returns on their investment in this election cycle. That investment - forced mandatory political contributions from union members - is losing its power so the unions are seeking legislative help. They support and expect congress to pass a national labor law making the secret ballot a thing of the past.
Forget your god given right to work, earn, and save YOUR MONEY, now the union wants to know if you voted for or against them in an election. Don't worry, I'm sure that if you are a union worker who has seen the light and vote against your union - there won't be any repercussions. The union is only looking out for YOU.
Anyway - enjoy the day off, BBQ some meat, and tomorrow go back to work, put your head down, work hard, and hold tight to your wallet. If Obama wins, your wallet, your choices and your FREEDOMS will be reduced.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:26 AM
Friday, August 29, 2008
We Have Come So Far So Fast!
We are a young country, and in 232 years have made progress in every arena leaps and bounds ahead of those across the world. Last night, Barrack Obama became the first African American to accept a major party's nomination for President. A Harvard grad., a Senator, and child of a mixed marriage. We have come so far.
Slavery and servitude has existed in Asia for thousands of years, Slavery and Servitude has existed and continues in the Middle East, and Slavery and Servitude has existed and continues in Africa . Yet We Have Overcome! The candidacy and nomination of Obama are proof of this fact.
But, wait..........................When he looses, the voices singing praise, "crying their eyelashes off," and bursting with pride will DECRY RACISM IS ALIVE IN AMERICA. Because when he looses, due to his lack of experience, lack of candor, extreme liberal voting record, and his socialist plan which will wreak havoc on our country and citizens, these factors will not be cited as the reason.
The Claims will be - White Racist Conservative Christian America supports the status Quo. Barrack Lost Because he is Black.
Barrack should loose because he is wrong. Wrong on taxes, wrong on energy, wrong on Socialism, wrong on national security, and wrong on health care. He is inexperienced and illogical in his economic and policy positions. That is why he will loose.
But we will never hear it, amidst the cries of racism and politics of division.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:09 AM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Roar the Rhetoric
Barrack Obama has picked one of the loudest and longest rhetoric spewers as his running mate. Joe Biden's volume and well volume of anti-bush, anti capitalism socialist rhetoric is well established and full off guffaws and misstatements. He may have picked the only person who has made more off handed, inappropriate, dumb-ass statements than the many Bushisms we have grown to love.
Sure he is experienced -- VERY EXPERIENCED - so much for change. He does help Obama firm up the foreign policy experience on the ticket, but that's not enough to make up for Obama's inexperience and extreme liberal voting record. And if you think Barrack Obama is going to take direction from a long standing, dug in like a tick, catholic democrat "with blue collar roots," you are sadly mistaken. Biden is a great pick because he won't expect much, heck ANYTHING, from Obama. Biden is part of the most unsuccessful, stagnant, and least popular congress in history. With two failed bids for the Presidency himself, his time in the limelight was ending - and he will tow the line for Barrack just to keep in the game.
He promised during his recent run to trim down his long winded diatribes, but a leopard can't change his spots. It won't be long, he will get foot in mouth disease, worked up into a sweat, yelling BUSH LIED - MCCAIN TRIED! or some crap.
Thanks Barrack - you did us a solid on this one.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:53 AM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
One Small Step for The President --- $6.00 drop for Oil!!
Economist Larry Kudlow wrote yesterday.
"In a dramatic move yesterday President Bush removed the executive-branch moratorium on offshore drilling. Today, at a news conference, Bush repeated his new position, and slammed the Democratic Congress for not removing the congressional moratorium on the Outer Continental Shelf and elsewhere. Crude-oil futures for August delivery plunged $9.26, or 6.3 percent, almost immediately as Bush was speaking, bringing the barrel price down to $136. Now isn’t this interesting? Democrats keep saying that it will take 10 years or longer to produce oil from the offshore areas. And they say that oil prices won’t decline for at least that long. And they, along with Obama and McCain, bash so-called oil speculators.
And today we had a real-world example as to why they are wrong. All of them. Reid, Pelosi, Obama, McCain — all of them."
"Yes Virginia, there is a way we can influence the price of oil, in the SHORT TERM." Oil prices are controlled by speculators who try and predict the FUTURE prices of a barrel. In the wake of increased domestic production (to the tune of millions of barrels a day) and increases in other forms of energy, nuclear, coal, and eventually alternative energy; speculators and OPEC, who understand supply and demand economics will reduce the price of oil NOW.
OPEC understands that the best method to reduce global competition in the oil supply is the political limitation America puts on itself. As soon as it appears Americans gain the political will to drill, OPEC will increase supply, drop the price, and take away the immediate economic incentive felt by the previously anti-drilling Americans.
Nice job Bush, your not so lame duck after all.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:53 AM
Monday, June 30, 2008
The picture below shows some FACTS about ANWR. The Democrats don't want to drill in ANWR. They cite to its beauty, pristine nature, the animals that will be run off their natural habitat, and the limited oil supply in the region. BUT. The facts and history get in the way. The Prudhoe Bay oil fields provide 17% of our domestic production. All estimates of the reserves in ANWR dwarf the reserves found at both Prudhoe Bay and Kuparik. Prudhoe Bay has been churning out millions of barrels a day for over 25 years.

Do you remember the map?
The map showed that the proposed drilling area is in the ANWR Coastal Plain
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
3:16 PM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Milk to High? Tax and limit the cow!
Global demand for oil drove prices higher today as market insiders predicted an increase in demand from China as a result of earthquake reconstruction projects.
"The catalyst for oil's latest advance was an International Energy Agency report that said global demand will continue to rise, especially in China. Demand for fuel for reconstruction work in the aftermath of May's earthquake will boost Chinese oil demand by 5.5 percent this year, the IEA said, a slightly higher forecast than in previous reports. 'A 5.5 percent increase in one of the largest consumers of oil in the world is a lot of barrels of oil,' said Jim Ritterbusch, president of energy consultancy Ritterbusch and Associates in Galena, Ill."
So, while congress wants to tax the domestic oil companies earnings and limit domestic production through restrictions on refinery construction, nuclear power construction, and domestic drilling; the Democrats solution to high gas prices is to tax oil companies earnings. Tax the cow.
If a farmer pays $1 for his grazing land, $1 for feed, and $1 to buy a milk cow; he might sell a gallon of milk for $3.08, making an 8 cent profit. Most people would not accuse him of Milk gouging, but if people complained of the high price of milk, the Democrats' solution would be to tax the Farmer's profit by 1 cent. What would happen?
The farmer (who's costs are fixed) would increase the price of milk by 1 cent, and because of his perception of increase government interference, he would be hesitant to buy a few more cows to spread the cost of his land purchase over two or three animals.
Oil is milk, energy companies are farmers. RECORD PROFITS BY OIL COMPANIES!!! Nice headline to build class warfare and envy upon. However, an oil companies general profit is 8 percent, or 8 cents on the dollar. Because the Democrats have not allowed them to build refineries, nuclear plants, or expand domestic drilling for 30 years, the company can't reduce their set costs of raw materials. The energy companies are stuck producing as much domestic energy as logistically possible, and purchasing re rest of the oil on the market. Who are they competing with in that market ----- CHINA.
So, until energy companies are allowed to develop domestic sources, the price of oil will remain high, and the Democrats solution is to tax them more.
I guess I will drink water, but thats another issue all together.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
12:46 PM
Friday, June 6, 2008
Freedom, Liberty and Choice take a back seat....
The House and Senate and our fine Governor cut another slice out of the freedom pie this week. They passed and he signed the restriction on Pay Day loans.
Only big brother can properly decide the correct choice for you financially, protect you from "predators," oh, and limit your freedom.
Here was the vote. With a grand total of 28 members standing for liberty and the Constitution.
Unofficial Votes for House Bill 545
* See Journal for the official record of the vote.
Senate - Third Consideration
Yeas - 29
Miller D
Miller R
Nays - 4
House - Senate Amendments
Yeas - 70
Hagan J.
Hagan R.
McGregor J.
McGregor R.
Stewart D.
Stewart J.
Williams B.
Williams S.
Nays - 24
Thankfully Michigan allows payday lending - more business heading north.
Shameful - remember these names in the voting booth.
The A-Hole
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:24 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
That was ACTING!! Thank You!
Last night I spent some time with..................well........................lawyers. For the first time I attended the annual Toledo Junior Bar Association's Grid Iron Show. BRAVA!
I had gone to the pre-party the year before, but not the event. This spectacle provides a prime example of what lawyers and the legal community can and should be about. Good spirited, satirical, high and low brow self examination and discourse; with some local and national political humor as well.
This is not a common event among other Ohio or national metropolitan bar associations as far as I know. Perhaps that is why, for the most part, the members of our legal community - while being staunch advocates for their clients and personal beliefs - maintain a professional collegial respect with each other. And it never hurts to laugh at yourself a little bit either.
The name of my blog is after all, The Asshole Lawyer. While most people (ok the three who read it) understand the purpose of such a self deprecating title - others may take offense; believing I am catering to the chorus of voices who disparage our profession, discount our contribution, and seem to forget that when you have a problem who ya gonna call? Ghost Busters - nope, the cops and a lawyer. But as the Grid Iron shows, pointing the finger in the mirror and laughing can be great way to face reality.
Great job to the cast and crew of the Grid Iron. See ya next year.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
3:04 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Fatties - Foreclosures - and Floatillas
The city recently addressed a myriad of issues related to health, economic development and growth in our fair city and county. Over the last weeks the Mayor and council have voted, regulated and proselytized in areas of health (our fat city) land ownership and transfer (land contract restrictions) and recreational development (the marina funding).
These three subjects are only the most recent examples and illustrations of how our city government (much like all democratic party controlled governments) solve problems. MORE GOVERNMENT REGULATION FUNDED BY TAXES.
Yesterday's revelation that again Toledo is ranked as one of the most unhealthy cities in America spurred the Mayor to; call for more government built bike paths; highlight the 12 miles of paths and trails already constructed; and attack those who voice disagreement with those plans by calling them fat.
The council recently passed restrictions of land contract property sales to protect innocent citizens from predatory unscrupulous land speculators - claiming of course that the poor are victims of such schemes. Now that is both insulting and oppressive. "You are too poor and stupid to look out for yourself, so we will regulate your rights for you!" No cry of racism or elitism was heard however.
Lastly - we are now "benefiting" from state tax dollars being earmarked for the marina project. But wait - remember class - ALL TAX DOLLARS ARE YOUR MONEY!! Neither federal government, the state government nor the local government make their own money. So we are now stealing from a statewide tax base - for our benefit. Why - to "enable" the development of the project as promised for years and years. If the marina project, Swan Creek project and yes the unfunded arena project are good investments in the future of Toledo and NW Ohio, that investment should come from private sources - assisted by government DEREGULATION AND REDUCED INTERFERENCE - not by more tax dollars.
The A-Hole
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:04 AM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Revenuers, Speculators, and Taxmen
They Got Me! Despite my general cynicism and dislike of the mayor and the Blade, they got me. A bright full color picture in the sun, an artists rendering of the new upscale Swan Creek, and 4.2 MILLION DOLLARS plastered across the top. But the truth is, its business as usual for the Mayor, the City Counsel, and The Blade.
This is not a sale. This is land speculation. With a token deposit (which it can get back) Tetra Tech gets to hold its place in line, let the city do the homework, fact checking, and CLEANUP, and then MAYBE - Tetra Tech will spend some real money.
Not likely. I should have known when the mayor said "if you want the details talk to the lawyers" that something was afoot.
Its rare, but I was fooled; and had engaged in a discussion with a co-worked about how nice it was to see the city and the mayor do something right for a change.
Toledo's version of oil speculation has come to town, but I don't see Daniel Day Lewis skulking around town in 1820's garb, promising to build churches.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:48 AM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
From a tad-POLL to a toad.
I decided if I was going to comment on the process, I should have some sense of it, so I worked the polls for the primary. I must admit, after my training session, and meeting my precinct team on the Monday night beforehand, I was sure it would be a fiasco. Luckily all went well.
I worked the Ottawa Hills H.S. polling location, and yes I am well aware that more populated precincts were much busier and less staffed, but I was pleasantly surprised at how the system worked.
We had input from “seasoned” poll workers (many of whom apparently have been doing their civic duty since before I was born), we had team leaders called “presiding judges” to help us regular poll judges get by, and we all worked well as a team. As I mentioned; armed and educated by a three hour training session and a pre-primary night meeting at the polling location to set up the machines, we leaped feet first into the fray Tuesday morning at 6:00 a.m. I left the location at just after 8:00 p.m. in the freezing rain and sleet. A long but satisfying day.
I saw children with their parents to join in the “historic vote” on the democrat ticket. I saw 17 year old students who will be 18 in November, vote for the first time. I worked with one dedicated 17 year old high school student who was there for the day, not for the money, not because he was president of the young republicans at his school, and not because he had some required community service hours to complete, but simply because he wanted to learn and experience the system first hand.
The machines worked like a charm. For the skeptics paper ballots were available upon request. I debated the machine vs. paper with a co-worker on Wednesday. Reading about the “lost memory cards” she was convinced that the old way was more reliable. I argued (successfully I might add) that we have no idea how successful the old way was, because we were comfortably naive about lost ballots, missing ballots, discarded ballots, ballots dropped in the ocean, or uncounted absentee military ballots. Because of the accuracy and immediate results which are possible with electronic ballots we now KNOW MORE about lost votes and can react accordingly. And knowledge is power, even if it only leads to finger pointing and cries of voter interference and disenfranchisement.
Like DeWine said - not a single electronic machine ran out of paper ballots. Yes in Lucas County some memory cards containing the votes were missing for at time; but guess what - officials knew exactly how many memory cards, where they should have been, and where to look because the cards are a known number. Therefore they could find them, and as necessary - return to the proper machines and re-record the votes. VWALLA!!
Did we ever know when a bag, box, crate, pallet or truckload of paper ballots went missing in the good ole days? No. Because we could not know the accurate number of paper ballots cast across the hundreds of thousands of voters, OR, design out the human error factor in casting, collecting, and counting them, we simply never knew the total of lost or incorrectly cast ballots.
So despite my initial cynicism, I became a convinced believer in the system, the machines, and the process. A proud, long day well spent.
The A-Hole.
PS…..and I get paid!!!!!
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
3:51 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Please - for your own good - Read Walter Williams
Walter Williams
The A-Hole
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
5:55 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
An Electable Ticket
It looks like McCain is going to be the republican nominee. Question is, if he is facing a Clinton/Obama ticket or an Obama/Clinton ticket (less likely) who can republicans put up to win.
I know she has said NO WAY for years, but if the ticket for the democrats is that strong and historical, would Condoleeza Rice reconsider a vice presidency, for her country, for her party, for her race and for her gender.
McCain/Rice would be electable. She might reassure conservative republicans who are worried about McCain's liberal leanings. She would draw moderate, independent, and undecided women and African American voters to the right, and, she is probably the smartest person in the current cabinet.
CMON CONDI - Please - for God and Country - take a four year job in the Vice President's quarters. If you don't want to be President, so be it.
The A-Hole
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:10 AM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Hillary's Hyphen??
So I will admit, the spark for my thoughts on this subject came from a morning radio comedy show co-host (Frankenstine never scared me).
What ever happended to Hillary's Hyphen?
For years she was the proud, bra burning, strong woman, independant Hillary Rodam-Clinton. Now she is just Hillary Clinton.
Liberal in moderates clothing? Pandering to the independants, the moderate republicans and the undecided? Pretending to be someone she is not. NEVER!!!
But what about the Gloria Stienem crew? Who has she abondoned to appear electable? And where are those long standing principles of independance, strength, I am woman hear me roar.
Next thing you know John McCain will BE HYPHENATED.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
11:02 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Let the fear Mongering Begin
Well it has begun! In response to a visiting civil rights leaders call for black citizens to vote against the renewal of the .75% income tax the Mayor has begun his fear mongering. Scare voters into believing that without the tax - fires will rage, criminals will rein, and garbage will choke the streets alleys and driveways of Toledo. The Blade Article outlines the Mayors comments on the recent call for a no vote to the tax renewal.
Please. The Mayor knows that the best way to insure the voters of Toledo will renew the tax is to scare them into it. Notice he does not claim that without the tax he may have to
1) Reduce the size of his staff.
2) Stop purchasing real estate in the failed Southwick Mall
3) Disband his fleet of ambulances and turn the service back over to private business
4) Trim the budget of entitlements and pet project give aways like lights for the trees downtown, or flowers, or Toledo Pride signs displaying his name.
There are lots of ways the City could and should reduce its spending and leave police fire and garbage alone.
But instead, right out of the political handbook - he spreads fear and insults anyone who dare challenge his control over the purse strings.
Vote no. Make the City trim the fat -- perhaps starting with his Honor.
The A-Hole
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
10:03 AM
Friday, January 18, 2008
Private Investment in the Citizens, with proper Political Support
So some County Commissioners and state officials, along with PRIVATE BANKS are providing educational seminars to citizens to improve their credit, and free tax assistance through the VITA program. Kudos.
I know the utilities at the library, some of the advertising and administrative costs, and other items will be paid for with tax dollars, but the primary funding (including free breakfast) appears to be coming from private banks. WOO HOO. Finally our elected officials fulfilling their proper role; support private investment in the community, educate through press release and conferences, and keep the tax dollars spent to a minimum.
I know, I may be missing a big hole in the scheme, and may be naive in my early congratulatory remarks. But at least Ben didn't announce, COUNTY COFFERS PAY FOR FREE TAX PREPARATION FOR THE NEEDY.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
3:37 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
A Refreshing Choice
After watching the New Hampshire debates I am no closer to picking a candidate.
I wish MOST of Ron Paul's views could be presented by a less "Ross Perot" like figure, who was not so extreme on the anti-war issue. I wish I had a more confidence in Romney's purported beliefs on conservative issues, and I just wish Guliani was more conservative overall.
But - outside of national defense - McCain showed his true colors again proving him to be a RINO. Immigration, energy, free speech (campaign finance reform)are all issues he is firmly closer to the Democrats on than I.
Will Huckabee continue his roll? I am not convinced, but he will make an interesting choice in the primary. Thompson remains my favorite, but I just don't think he will make it.
With such divergence of thought, experience, and style we have perhaps the best chance in history to vote for the candidate who shares our beliefs on issues, tally them up, and pick the candidate with which we share the most beliefs.
Many of the Republican candidates have actual methods to improve on the issues they speak of, not just rhetoric - with no plan. Not just "change for change sake" but, here is the needed change, and here is the way to implement the change.
Keep your eyes on the prize people, safety, lower taxes to KEEP our economy strong, and less government control. Need an example of how well government can control things - Look no further than the Erie Street Market.
Don't forget - www.copsandlawyers.blogspot.com
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
10:34 AM