We are a young country, and in 232 years have made progress in every arena leaps and bounds ahead of those across the world. Last night, Barrack Obama became the first African American to accept a major party's nomination for President. A Harvard grad., a Senator, and child of a mixed marriage. We have come so far.
Slavery and servitude has existed in Asia for thousands of years, Slavery and Servitude has existed and continues in the Middle East, and Slavery and Servitude has existed and continues in Africa . Yet We Have Overcome! The candidacy and nomination of Obama are proof of this fact.
But, wait..........................When he looses, the voices singing praise, "crying their eyelashes off," and bursting with pride will DECRY RACISM IS ALIVE IN AMERICA. Because when he looses, due to his lack of experience, lack of candor, extreme liberal voting record, and his socialist plan which will wreak havoc on our country and citizens, these factors will not be cited as the reason.
The Claims will be - White Racist Conservative Christian America supports the status Quo. Barrack Lost Because he is Black.
Barrack should loose because he is wrong. Wrong on taxes, wrong on energy, wrong on Socialism, wrong on national security, and wrong on health care. He is inexperienced and illogical in his economic and policy positions. That is why he will loose.
But we will never hear it, amidst the cries of racism and politics of division.
Friday, August 29, 2008
We Have Come So Far So Fast!
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:09 AM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Roar the Rhetoric
Barrack Obama has picked one of the loudest and longest rhetoric spewers as his running mate. Joe Biden's volume and well volume of anti-bush, anti capitalism socialist rhetoric is well established and full off guffaws and misstatements. He may have picked the only person who has made more off handed, inappropriate, dumb-ass statements than the many Bushisms we have grown to love.
Sure he is experienced -- VERY EXPERIENCED - so much for change. He does help Obama firm up the foreign policy experience on the ticket, but that's not enough to make up for Obama's inexperience and extreme liberal voting record. And if you think Barrack Obama is going to take direction from a long standing, dug in like a tick, catholic democrat "with blue collar roots," you are sadly mistaken. Biden is a great pick because he won't expect much, heck ANYTHING, from Obama. Biden is part of the most unsuccessful, stagnant, and least popular congress in history. With two failed bids for the Presidency himself, his time in the limelight was ending - and he will tow the line for Barrack just to keep in the game.
He promised during his recent run to trim down his long winded diatribes, but a leopard can't change his spots. It won't be long, he will get foot in mouth disease, worked up into a sweat, yelling BUSH LIED - MCCAIN TRIED! or some crap.
Thanks Barrack - you did us a solid on this one.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:53 AM