A new government study has found that GM cars are the safest, most efficient cars available in America, surpassing Mercedes, Volvo, Ford, and even some privately built armored cars.
Therefore, because driving of less-safe cars may lead to expensive medical bills (some of which will not be paid by the drivers and might be absorbed by the tax payer) the government is now passing new automobile reform legislation.
All Americans will be required to purchase GM cars. If they do not, they will be fined and eventually charged with the crime of refusing to drive a GM. Those who cannot afford a GM car will be issued a GM by the government paid for by tax dollars. The existing car makers are free to compete with GM for the business, but only if they convert all their automobiles to the standards and equipment found in GM cars. IF they cannot do so, and sales plummet because their customers fear imprisonment for not driving a GM or GM equivalent, then they those manufactures will go out of business, leaving their employees jobless.
Mechanics who are not licensed or certified to repair GM cars, will be re-trained. The congress will establish rules for what GM licensed mechancis can charge for an oil change, ball joint repair, and what major overhauls are appropriate. Those who continue to repair other brands based on agreements with their owners will be subject to criminal prosecution and stripped of their certifications. Crossing into Canada or Mexico to have your vehicle repaired will be a criminal act, GM or other brand.
Pay no attention to the fact that the government owns GM. This is for your own good, and the good of the millions of Americans, and illegal immigrants, who can't afford cars. This legislation will be passed REGARDLESS of your position on its constitutionality or benefits.
This is the health care reform that is currently being pushed through congress.
Your freedom and liberty removed. Your choice removed. Government "studies" determining what health care is necessary and safe --- IE new mammogram standards.
Jail for refusal to choose health insurance. Massive cost increases on taxpayers and the destruction of private health care insurance providers, and all their employees jobless. Doctors told what tests, procedures and care can be provided, no private contracts for care, and cross boarder excursions to see a physician operating abroad illegal.
Stop this massive unconstitutional power grab now.
Call, email, write your congress and the president. Rally your friends and like minded. Attempt to logically argue the point with liberals you know -- this is a matter of freedom and choice, not the tragedy of the uninsured.
TAHL - Tom Sullivan
Saturday, December 26, 2009
For the Sake of Health
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:25 AM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Communist - Plain and Simple
Government ownership of private business.
Government telling private business and citizens what wages they may receive.
And now, the President determining which news outlets will be "allowed" to interview or be present for press conferences with government officials. THIS IS COMMUNISM.
The sad thing is, the citizenry is so ill informed, or uneducated on history, that our President does not even have to hide his agenda.
The Constitution has become a distraction to him and his Congress. His oath is a fraud.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:21 AM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
This tax --- shall not be treated as a tax -- Health Care Bill
This is actual language from the Health Care Bill, page 174, addressing the tax (2.5%) imposed if you choose not to purchase health care.
The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax imposed by this chapter for purposes of determining the amount of any credit under this chapter or for purposes of section.
I'm only on page 174 of 1017, so I am sure there is more to come.
Here is the Bill.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:18 AM
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Can you say --- Big Brother.
"The White House has been under fire since it posted a blog on Tuesday that asked supporters to e-mail any "fishy" information seen on the Web or received electronically to flag@whitehouse.gov."
Turn in your countrymen, your neighbors, or your family for their "fishy" free speech against Govt. intrusion into health care, or any other part of your life.
Freedom and Liberty are bleeding out............................Vote, Vote. Vote for a tourniquet to save our Republic.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:19 AM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
July 26, 2009
9 A.M. - 11 A.M.
Secor Room Activities: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Secor Metro Park
Register and donate on-line, or in person with cash at any AHR adoption event.
http://www.ahrescue.org Short Walk: Woodland Pond Trail, 0.3 miles
Long Walk: Swamp Forrest Trail, 1.2 miles
Grand Prize Raffle: $250.00 Visa Cash Card: Need not be present to win.
Silent Auction in Secor Room 11 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. (bidding ends at 12:30 p.m.)
Raffle Drawing at 1 p.m. in Secor Room
Adoptions in Secor Room
11:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m. Entertainment, food, beverages, variety of specialty vendors, samples, games, prizes, and more……
$20.00 registration donation includes t-shirt, water bottle, samples, and coupons Pre-registered
Walkers check-in between 9 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning. Official start 9:30 a.m.*
*Register at any adoption event Saturday, July, 18th at Anderson’s, 503 Illinois Ave., Maumee, Ohio, between Noon and 3 p.m. or; Saturday July 25th, at PetCo on Monroe Street between Noon and 3 p.m. $25.00 Same Day Registration Donation 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. in the Secor Room.
Additional t-shirts available for $10.00 donation on event day.
To register and pay online, go to www.ahrescue.org.
Click on the link for Walk Registration, fill out and submit the form.
Then click on the PayPal link to pay your $20.00 Registration Donation.
For details or space rental: ahrdogsncats@yahoo.com
***25 Free AVID micro-chips, available to registered walkers at 9:00 a.m.*** Reduced Cost Shot Clinic 10:00 a.m. - 2 p.m.***Restrictions apply. See website for details***
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
4:19 PM
Friday, June 26, 2009
Today I heard the perfect term for law enforcement's continued use of red light Cameras.
The paparazzi have the right to take photos of celebrities in PUBLIC, but none of us support or condone their METHODS.
Likewise, police have a DUTY to keep our streets safe, but, red light cameras are not the proper METHOD, and are often counterproductive.
Police agencies have become the CopArazzi. Lost is the spirit and intent of their job and purpose; lost to the all mighty dollar. The perfect analogy.
IN FULL DISCLOSURE - I heard this term on Bob and Tom today, from comedian Augie Smith.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:01 AM
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
M.I.S. and NASCAR Get it Right!
Do you like speed and power?
Do you like girl watching, boy watching, or freak of nature watching?
Do you like good fried food, beer cheaper than at the ball game, and a day in the sun?
Then check out MIS and NASCAR, especially if you have kids under 13.
I went to my first NASCAR race last Sunday at MIS. The general admission tickets were $40 dollars each - which included a free ticket for a child 12 or younger. So for the price of 3 adult tickets, $120.00, we got 6 total tickets and six of us went to the race. That's $20 bucks a person.
IF we chose too, we would not have needed to spend another dime. We brought all the water, Gatorade and snacks we needed. We could have brought our own beer, but with the kids on the trip, we abstained. Parking is free and the tram ride to the grandstands is free. The seats were good enough to see the back stretch, sit on turns 3 and 4, and see the front stretch and first two turns with binoculars.
The food was reasonably priced compared to The Joe, 5/3 field, or Comerica with an extensive selection. The beer a bit cheaper than at the ball game. On top of that much of the NASCAR memorabilia was well priced. I got one Earnhart Jr. hat for $10.00 and one Home Depot, Joey Logano hat for $18.
Traffic is well regulated, about an hour up, and about 45 minutes to get out of the parking areas after the race, being one of 50,000 cars. A quick ride up M-50 from 23 and you can witness a great spectacle on the track and in some of the stands. Never was I concerned that my 12 year old boy would hear or see something "new" and he loved the day. In fact, so did I.
Good Job MIS -- keep it up and we will see you in August.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
7:22 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
"Lawyering Up"
We live in a litigious society, which, to be honest, puts food on my table. In a civilized society when problems cannot be worked out between individuals, they turn to the rule of law, and lawyers.
Across the Toledo blogosphere comments have been recently made that the Ottawa Hills PD has already "lawyer-ed up", failed to release a statement, and thus the shooting must have been unjustified.
The Constitution applies to individual civil servants as much as too you and I, and the officer or department's silence is understandable at this point. In our media fed, instant access, computer fuelled world; saying nothing at the outset is the best advice for everyone. Remain silent, call a supervisor, call a lawyer, and don't talk to the press.
The presumption of innocence - which we all live with the benefit of and expect to be treated in accordance with, gets forgotten when we suspect a person's motives, dislike their background, color, position or status, and assume guilt because they seek counsel (also a constitutional right). In this time of our history, lets not throw out individual constitutional rights when times get tough, lets cling to them with all our might. Cops too.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
1:43 PM
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tom Sullivan...............Come On Down!
Well, smart or stupid, right or wrong, naive or not, I have decided to post my name and picture on my blogs. As some people see "screen names" as cowardly ways to hide when you are not willing to put your money where your mouth (or keyboard) is, I have "come out" in an Internet identity sense. I will not be retiring my pseudonym however.
Please keep your comments to the blogs, unless we are personal friends and you already know my private e-mail or cell phone number.
TAHL (Tom Sullivan).
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
1:07 PM
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Another Unknown Toledo Gem
After reading the UT Rockets baseball team in the sports page yesterday, and seeing they are leading their division, we went to a game today.
The wind aside, it was a nice afternoon - VERY AFFORDABLE - $3 for adult, $1 for the kids, and the baseball was top notch. Rockets were up 12-6 when we left after the sixth.
We even had the enjoyment of four Rocket Fanatics, Deek, Luchbox, Baby Cakes and ............one more. (Sorry).
So if you get a chance -- get over to Scott Park and support the Rockets. Its well worth the cost and convenient to west Toledo.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
4:43 PM
Friday, May 1, 2009
City Council and Citizens Held Hostage
The mayor has finally showed his true stripes and agenda. Hold the City Council and citizens hostage by extorting increased taxes to ensure safety and assuage fear.
As quoted in the Blade
"Mr. Finkbeiner's strategy to balance Toledo's staggering $21.3 million deficit - while at the same time reducing the police layoffs from the previously announced 150 officers - includes several assumptions and depends on Toledo City Council agreeing to reach into some Toledoans' pockets.
Mr. Finkbeiner said council must approve a bump in the city's refuse fee and his plan to collect more income taxes from Toledoans who work outside the city - something council already has rejected twice."
The table was set, and the fear generated over the last several weeks. Now Carty has given his mandate, and set the Council up to blame, if and when, they do the right thing and vote NO to increased taxes and fees.
Carty will cry from the roof top of One Govt. Center that the Council traded safety for politics and "failed to show the leadership" this "crisis" required.
Yet he will still have an inflated staff, and the city will continue to hemorrhage money. Police, Fire and Courts MUST BE THE LAST TO GO.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
11:52 AM
Friday, January 16, 2009
Dedicated Toledo Workforce
Its nice to see that not everyone is using the cold weather as an excuse not to head out to work. While closings are rampantly streaming across the bottom of our TV screens, the thieves of Toledo are hard at work.My truck was broken into yesterday, during work hours, in the Port Lawrence parking garage downtown. Toledo thieves, undeterred by weather, are out doing their best to stimulate the underbelly of the economy.
While I applaud the thief's dedication, I question his/her talent.First, I drive an old truck. "Old" in this context does not mean "classic" or "vintage," it means crappy. A rusted out 1991 Ford Ranger to be specific. However, because the prior owner was a young kid, it did have a kickin stereo, so the choice was not completely unreasonable.I must take issue, however, with how this citizen applies his craft. I naively still expect workers to know their trade, study the masters, and apply it with journeyman skill. My thief is either an apprentice, or is resting on his laurels.Gone are the days when a man took pride in his work, sought excellence, and the results were self evident.
My salvage technician obviously has not studied the masters. He surely has not watched: The Heist, Oceans 11, 12, or 13, or The Ref; as he clearly is unaware that the goal is to steal with such precision and finesse that the mark remains unaware that they have been had for days or even weeks.Clearly, the person who is re-using my stereo did not do their homework. They obviously did not study the dashboard schematics of the Ford Ranger, and must not have called upon a collegue or former UAW Ford plant "source" who could provide them detailed diagrams of the Ford truck interior, thereby allowing him to effortlessly release the dash and remove its contents with speed and minimal effort. My recycler brutishly pried my dash from its moorings, braking it in the process, leaving clear evidence of his presence through tool marks on the trim, and even destroying his tool, lazily leaving it on my floorboard.
Additionally, he lacked the attention to detail and thoroughness required to excel in any profession. He missed several premium CD's affixed to my sun visor, including Botchelli and Dave Mathews, BOTCHELLI FOR GOD'S SAKE! With even a cursory look behind the seat it would have been clear that my speakers were ripe as fresh apples for picking, as I had not actually mounted them and they were simply resting behind the seat held in place by their magnets. Finally, the briefest glance into the glove box (step #3 in "Auto Burglary for Dummies") would have shown the treasure hunter that his new stereo included a REMOTE.
So not everyone is using the weather as a reason to rest at home on the couch watching Regis and Kelly. Some "go getters" are out braving the elements to ply their craft and provide much needed, gently used electronics, to themselves or their pawn dealer. All is not lost, Toledo does have dedicated, hard working, citizens willing to get out there and profit.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
1:58 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Federal Bureaucracy - Please handle my health care!!
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
2:49 PM
Friday, January 2, 2009
Toledo as a Corporation - Solutions From the Bailout Debate?
The City of Toledo is for all intents and purposes a large corporation. The problem is the corporation is out of money and the shareholders - THE CITIZENS - are not receiving any dividends.
We heard during the bailout talk related to the Big 3 auto makers, that we should allow them to fail, forcing them into bankruptcy which would EMPOWER them to re-negotiate contracts, cut the fat, and FORCE them to be more efficient. Should the same be allowed for the City of Toledo?
Take Back Toledo efforts aside, we have a Mayor/CEO who is not effective, a form of government that needs to be changed, and a council that is stuck on the same old ways. Recently an arbitrator held the City to its contract agreements with some of the labor unions while others refused to vote to pay a portion of their members' health care premiums, as little as $55.00 per month for family coverage. Could bankruptcy be the solution to a myriad of the City's problems?
The City is facing millions in deficit, a failure of basic services, engaging in improper layoffs and contract breaches, and there are few clear solutions visible in the near future. If the City were to declare bankruptcy the Federal Court would appoint a trustee who would oversee the re-organization and restructuring of the budget, EXERCISING POWER OVER THAT OF THE MAYOR.
The trustee would have the power to force re-negotiation of contracts, cease actions by the city in the private sector which are not profitable - including; the Erie St. Market, ambulance service, towing service, and mandate the sale of city property that may be available for revenue. A trustee could direct that basic services be funded first then IF AND AS NECESSARY secondary services or programs could be funded. It may even be possible for the trustee to force a change in the form of government back to a city manager style, or at a minimum, maintain an oversight function to monitor the progress of the City through the 5 year restructuring.
Tough times call for tough measures. The contracts which exist are enforceable, rightfully so, and the unions continue to hold the city hostage to concessions. The unions will not vote to carry a larger burden even though that may cost members jobs. Most importantly,the Mayor and council are stuck to the old method of make promises, raise fees, and disenfranchise businesses and taxpayers. Bankruptcy may be the solution the City needs.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
4:18 PM