We live in a litigious society, which, to be honest, puts food on my table. In a civilized society when problems cannot be worked out between individuals, they turn to the rule of law, and lawyers.
Across the Toledo blogosphere comments have been recently made that the Ottawa Hills PD has already "lawyer-ed up", failed to release a statement, and thus the shooting must have been unjustified.
The Constitution applies to individual civil servants as much as too you and I, and the officer or department's silence is understandable at this point. In our media fed, instant access, computer fuelled world; saying nothing at the outset is the best advice for everyone. Remain silent, call a supervisor, call a lawyer, and don't talk to the press.
The presumption of innocence - which we all live with the benefit of and expect to be treated in accordance with, gets forgotten when we suspect a person's motives, dislike their background, color, position or status, and assume guilt because they seek counsel (also a constitutional right). In this time of our history, lets not throw out individual constitutional rights when times get tough, lets cling to them with all our might. Cops too.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
"Lawyering Up"
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
1:43 PM
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tom Sullivan...............Come On Down!
Well, smart or stupid, right or wrong, naive or not, I have decided to post my name and picture on my blogs. As some people see "screen names" as cowardly ways to hide when you are not willing to put your money where your mouth (or keyboard) is, I have "come out" in an Internet identity sense. I will not be retiring my pseudonym however.
Please keep your comments to the blogs, unless we are personal friends and you already know my private e-mail or cell phone number.
TAHL (Tom Sullivan).
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
1:07 PM
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Another Unknown Toledo Gem
After reading the UT Rockets baseball team in the sports page yesterday, and seeing they are leading their division, we went to a game today.
The wind aside, it was a nice afternoon - VERY AFFORDABLE - $3 for adult, $1 for the kids, and the baseball was top notch. Rockets were up 12-6 when we left after the sixth.
We even had the enjoyment of four Rocket Fanatics, Deek, Luchbox, Baby Cakes and ............one more. (Sorry).
So if you get a chance -- get over to Scott Park and support the Rockets. Its well worth the cost and convenient to west Toledo.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
4:43 PM
Friday, May 1, 2009
City Council and Citizens Held Hostage
The mayor has finally showed his true stripes and agenda. Hold the City Council and citizens hostage by extorting increased taxes to ensure safety and assuage fear.
As quoted in the Blade
"Mr. Finkbeiner's strategy to balance Toledo's staggering $21.3 million deficit - while at the same time reducing the police layoffs from the previously announced 150 officers - includes several assumptions and depends on Toledo City Council agreeing to reach into some Toledoans' pockets.
Mr. Finkbeiner said council must approve a bump in the city's refuse fee and his plan to collect more income taxes from Toledoans who work outside the city - something council already has rejected twice."
The table was set, and the fear generated over the last several weeks. Now Carty has given his mandate, and set the Council up to blame, if and when, they do the right thing and vote NO to increased taxes and fees.
Carty will cry from the roof top of One Govt. Center that the Council traded safety for politics and "failed to show the leadership" this "crisis" required.
Yet he will still have an inflated staff, and the city will continue to hemorrhage money. Police, Fire and Courts MUST BE THE LAST TO GO.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
11:52 AM