New study shows Ohio #3 in the nation for expected population loss.
Though specific conditions are pushing people out of some states, economists say more people moving around would be a positive sign for the economy. "Mobility makes it easier to respond to economic cycles," says Karp. "People are still living in places where there are no jobs. That's one of [the] reasons why the unemployment rate remains really high."
Top 5 States People Are Fleeing
No. 1: New York
Projected Loss: 49,000 people
Population: 19.7 million
Percentage Change: -0.25%
The Big Apple may lose more people than it gains in 2010 because of the depressed job market, high cost of living and an ongoing trend of retirees and job-seekers heading to the South and Southwest.
No. 2: Illinois
Projected Loss: 27,000 people
Population: 13 million
Percentage Change: -0.21%
Economist Nathaniel Karp says Illinois' tax structure and loss of manufacturing jobs may be pushing people out of the state this year.
No. 3: Ohio
Projected Loss: 8,900 people
Population: 11.6 million
Percentage Change: -0.08%
Over the last five years Ohio has lost an average of about 30,000 people per year. This year its losses are projected to slow, but remain significant enough to put the state at No. 3.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Run from the Taxes.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
11:00 AM
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Democrat Supporters Stoop to Theft
Several large Steve Yarbrough campaign signs have been stolen, removed from private property recently. This is nothing new of course, but remains pathetic.
Nice job Dems, or Dem supporters. Why stand on experience, record, judicial principle and philosophy, when you can just try and keep the opponent from the public eye.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:57 AM
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Yarbrough BBQ -- Come talk to the Judge.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
1:00 PM
Thursday, July 22, 2010
They Waste Time - and Our Money
So the Toledo City Counsel has spend time, effort, rhetoric and resources == Our Money, debating whether to pass an ineffective, wasteful, irrelevant Resolution calling for "comprehensive national immigration reform."
At least the Mayor voted no and put such silliness to rest. Accept of course, the Blade continues to write on this non-issue.
City counsel -- keep your eye on the ball and focused on issues you could actually control.
Pandering such as this is shame full.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
4:57 PM
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wasted Resources for Pandering Rhetoric.
The Lucas County Commissioners issued a proclamation, or passed a resolution, denouncing the State of Arizona's new immigration enforcement law. What a waste of our tax dollars. How much county time, paper, ink, and other resources were used to issue this irrelevant, pandering statement that has no bearing on AZ? What a great example to set -- a written resolution that supports the lawlessness of illegal immigration.
Remember this action in the voting booth and remove them all.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:35 AM
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Nothing Worth While is Easy
Last night I attended most of the LCRP Central Committee meeting to elect committee officers and a party chairman. As you may know, John Stainbrook was elected Party Chairman, and Meghan Gallagher was elected Central Committee Chairman. It is no secret that I was in the "Simpson camp" through the turmoil that has gone on in the last several months. So with that in mind, here are some observations of the meeting I made.
Numerous committee members - knowing an incredibly important, contested vote was occurring - showed up without ID. Some showed up to vote not realizing they had lost in the recent election, and were no longer committee members. And, one person showed up stating he was a central committee member "appointed" by John Stainbrook.
WOW -- if our party is represented by people who don't know enough to carry a photo ID when they drive, bike, ride or walk downtown for an important vote such as this, I worry for Republicans.
Once underway the meeting fell into a battle of spite between supporters for each side over reading of the roll, reading of absent members, and an attempt by the Stainbrook side to strike the rules and call for an open vote. This took HOURS - thus the title of this post.
Freedom and liberty are not easy or clean. Representative government is messy and, as most things worth a damn, difficult to achieve. But the vote last night was a crucial step to re-unification of the party and preparation for November, and worth the pains it caused.
We are at a unique time in NW Ohio. A time when a return to conservative values and a turn toward core Republican principles can and must occur in Lucas County. The economic reality has shined the light on the unrealistic expectations and incompetent actions of the Democratic party entrenched in Lucas County over the last decades. The LCRP must unify to this goal, abandon old ways and cynicism, and break all ties to the establishment - once thought to be a necessary evil endured for the limited success Republicans achieved.
It won't be easy -- But it will be worth it.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
3:35 PM
Friday, May 28, 2010
Seek Out and Thank Veterans and Their Families
Its Memorial Day weekend. Fun, sun, BBQ's, golf and the end of the school season. All great ways to celebrate. But, lets not forget the real meaning and purpose of the holiday.
Look for, be aware of, and seek out veterans and their families. If a car at the gas pump has a veteran sticker or plate, thank the driver. If you see a soldier, airman, marine or swabby in uniform at a restaurant, offer to pay their meal or pick up the tip. Visit elderly veterans in your neighborhood and cut the grass or offer a cold one.
Likewise, do the same for veteran's families.
Thank you to all who have served, continue to serve, and gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Tom Sullivan
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:01 AM
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Support OHPD Sunday
A group of biker are holding a ride and rally at city hall Sunday to show solidarity for Mike McClosky. If you encounter them please follow the law and concept of courtesy and decency.
However, wear your OH colors and if you can stand along Indian Road to show your support to our PD please do. Attending the rally at Villllage Hall will not hel the PD.
Regardless of your beliefs about the McClosky shooting, our village and Police Dept. deserve our support.
Thank you.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
11:47 AM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Financial Advice for Young Lawyers
UT law school, room #1008, Thursday April 22, at 5:00 pm.
OSBA Young Lawyers Counsel, UT Law Career Services, and Edward Jones independent financial advisor Jon Vanslooten, are happy to present a 45 minute educational session for law students and young lawyers.
Come one come all.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
7:59 AM
Friday, April 9, 2010
Red Light Camera Petition Meeting
I attended the red light camera/fixed speed detection petition drive kick off meeting last night. The meeting was poorly attended, but, given the weather, the lack of major media announcement, and the Mud Hens game, the presenters were not surprised.
The meeting was informative, gave participants the necessary tools to get the drive going, and some motivation to do so. According to Chris Finney, a lawyer from Cincinnati who has lead successful red light camera petition drives in other cities and on other issues; the response last year to the the issue from Toledoans is the most positive he has witnessed. Last years petitions were rejected on a technical issue found in the Toledo Municipal Code that is not shared in other jursidictions, but this years petitions are in full compliance.
Keep your eye out for petition circulators and please sign of you are a registered Toledo voter. Regardless of which side of the debate you are on, as members of a free Republic, you should support the apportunity to get such issues on the ballot for citizen vote.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
1:35 PM
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Credit where Credit is Due!!
For the first time I can specifically remember - I agree with something President Obama has done. Interestingly enough -- this decision has not garnered much national attention. Not surprisingly.
From the New York Times. -- The President has authorized the targeted killing of a radical-Muslim cleric who is also a US Citizen.
"WASHINGTON - The Obama administration has taken the extraordinary step of authorizing the targeted killing of an American citizen, the radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who is believed to have shifted from encouraging attacks on the United States to directly participating in them, intelligence and counterterrorism officials said Tuesday."
So - why has this not gotten more publicity? Because the administration and national media know it would outrage the liberal left wing that President Obama is beholden to.
As for me -- you got ONE RIGHT - Mr. President.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:54 AM
Monday, April 5, 2010
Union Extortion Tactics Know No Boundaries!
The extortionist tactics of some union members have no limits. In today's Blade - Letters to the Editor, can be found a call by Patrick Hagenmaier, a rabid supporter of the UFCW union, to WITHHOLD BLOOD DONATIONS, until the Red Cross negotiates a contract with the union workers who staff the donation centers.
Really -- withhold life saving blood from the populous to coerce labor contracts?! I guess I should not be surprised when withholding police, fire, and educational services are well known scare tactics when contracts for those workers come due.
As a former UFCW member and Toledo citizen, shame on you Patrick Hagenmaier! I am willing to bet those dedicated Red Cross workers share my sentiment.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
1:12 PM
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Cuts and Concessions before Police Layoffs
Every city employee should pay their own retirement contribution with the city's matching capped at 5%.
Every city employee should pay 20% if their health care premium, with standard deductibles and co-pays.
Every city position possible should be eliminated before a single police officer is layed off, even if the Mayor has to answer his own phone.
If contracts are preventing this from happening, then the City should declare insolvency, go into receivership, and let a state trustee determine new contracts, benefits and wages.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:47 AM
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Our Economy and Their Honor for Sale
According to the New York Post, and other sources, unions (including federal employees') will escape the tax on the premier health care plans they receive, while the rest of us will pay through the nose for it.
"Big Labor got some big love from President Obama and congressional Democrats yesterday after they agreed to exempt union workers from the whopping “Cadillac tax” on high-cost health-care plans until 2018. The sweetheart deal, hammered out behind closed doors, will save union employees at least $60 billion over the years involved, while others won't be as lucky -- they'll have to cough up almost $90 billion "
Honor, integrity, constitutionalism and our economy for sale to the highest bidder, and beholden to the unions. Union membership makes up less than 15% of the American work force. So, on top of solving a 15% health insurance problem by destroying the 85% effective system, we now will exempt 15% of the nations workers from paying for the Democrat plan, at the expense of other paying citizens.
A travesty of constitutional, economic, and political justice. Overpaid unionized workers get sweetheart deals, everyone else gets the bill.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:59 AM
Friday, January 1, 2010
Lima Settles with Estate of Tarika Wilson
The City of Lima has settled the case with the estate of Tarika Wilson. The City's insurers, holding a no-consent policy, settled the case over objection by the City. This is not uncommon, nor any admission of guilt by the city.
Insurance companies measure the cost of defense and trial, risk of loss at a civil trial, and potential civil verdicts in their settlement decisions. Its business for them, not right vs. wrong. Given the climate in Lima, the facts known, and the costs involved, settlement was likely a solid mathematical outcome.
More at Cops&, and Glass City Jungle.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
10:27 AM