I am not a Barry Bonds fan or a SF Giants fan. I never really liked Bonds for his attitude and unwillingness to interact with fans. That being said, I am irate that the the Federal government - the Justice Department - is spending tens of thousands of dollars to prosecute Bond for perjury, while refusing to prosecute the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation.
Lets be clear - this is not a racial issue, or even a Democrat vs. Republican issue. The Black Panthers adulterated the right of Americans to VOTE, the most precious freedom we have. And yet, the government refuses to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
However, chasing false testimony in baseball steroid use investigations (an area the federal government has no business in)is allowed to continue.
Shame on you President Obama and Eric Holder. Your dereliction if duty is criminal.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Bonds but no Panthers!!
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:11 AM
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
IVY League Gets Millions while shunning Americas Best.
Using "don't ask don't tell" as false justification, many Ivy league colleges have banned ROTC programs, while still collecting taxpayer dollars. A violation of the Solomon Act.
The amount of our money these "elite"s schools collect, despite having billion dollar endowments, is obscene.
"Enforcement of the Solomon Act means a lot of money is on the line for universities. For example, in the fiscal year 2010, Harvard received $621 million in federal funding; Yale received $510.4 million; and Stanford received approximately $880 million. Brown University and the University of Chicago also risk losing federal funding by banning the ROTC."
ROTC issue aside - why are these colleges getting a dime of tax payer money to operate, while indoctrinating students of America?
Cut the funding all together -- return all Federal Education dollars to the states, and let us keep more of our money for our own children's education. Mine is going earn his help from the taxpayer by serving as an enlisted man, or through ROTC.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
2:59 PM