Thursday, October 23, 2008

We The Sheeple!

Who is helping to formulate the public's perceptions about the election? Sadly, in most instances in America, its the media. And, is the "mainstream media" balanced, objective, or equal in the presentation of the issues and candidates. OF COURSE NOT.

From the Washington Post today.

Study: Coverage of McCain Much More Negative Than That of Obama

By Howard Kurtz

Media coverage of John McCain has been heavily unfavorable since the political conventions, more than three times as negative as the portrayal of Barack Obama, a new study says. Fifty-seven percent of the print and broadcast stories about the Republican nominee were decidedly negative, the Project for Excellence in Journalism says in a report out today, while 14 percent were positive.

Will the TRUTH set us free? Probably not on November 4th, 2008. I admit, it is each citizens duty to inform themselves of the issues, facts, and records of the candidates. But given that the "mainstream" media is pumped into our homes via airwaves regulated by the Federal Govt. And given that the large media companies, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN claim to be objective news providers, shouldn't they be held accountable for their bias? OR at least shouldn't the American sheeple know how they are being led? Don't get me started on NPR, a station funded with tax dollars.

I am not yet convinced Obama will win the election, but I am convinced a majority of voters are being mislead and lied to by the media.


1 comment:

Timothy W Higgins said...


And the answer of those who have gotten advantage from this rampant media bias is to begin the call for "The Fairness Doctrine", imposing their point of view and their will on the only thing that they have not managed to control, talk radio.

I would cry over this, were I not already exhausted from the effort.