A U.S. ambassador and his limited security team are murdered on the anniversary of 9/11/01. The President does nothing. FOUR DAYS LATER......... CNN sends a team, who find the Ambassador’s personal journal. No US investigation team had even been to the consulate to secure the scene. TRAVESTY. Then the President goes on TV apologizing for a bogus YouTube video as the cause of the attack. LIE. Continues to discount and deny. When U.S. personnel are killed abroad, the President should immediately send a team to secure the scene, recover, and protect the personnel, and any sensitive materials. The State Department and CIA should immediately dispatch an investigation team. Instead, our weak, capitulating administration cows to our enemies, blames our own citizenry and policies, and denies the true threat and their culpability. A month later - our Vice President bashes the intelligence community, LIES again about prior warning and full disclosure, and belittles himself and our Nation. Travesty and Lies. CC
Friday, October 12, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
The View...But Not Netanyahu
The unrest throughout the middle east has ushered anit-American forces into policial power such as the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. For the first time in 30 years a U.S. ambassador was killed in a designed attack on 9/11, and our most important ally in region, Israel, is begging for support. Yet the President, in full campaign mode - denying reality, refuses to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu, while taking the time to chat with the chicks on the View. He then went on television and denounced the creator of a silly, satirical video - the contrived excuse for the murder in Libia - without sending any message of strength, warning, or condemnation of the attackers who murdered an ambassador and his military vetran staff. The President does not belive our country has the moral standing to champion, and defend our history of freedom and liberty, our christian foundation, or our current position as the world superpower. American exceptionalism is a vile concept to him, and he fails to react to the the rise of anit-American powers because at his core he believes the United States should be reduced to a position of global power lower than that of our enemies. Much like his fundamental belief that individual success by our citizens should be resricted through forced redistribution of wealth, he beleives our country should be minimized and stifled so that we share equal global power and influence, and are controlled by the desires of our enemies. Shame on you Mr. President. We are exceptional, we are a shining light on a hill to the world, we do stand for what is right, just, fair and god given. CC.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:36 AM
Saturday, September 22, 2012
The numbers are in - OMG! - Romney paid taxes.
That's right politics fans, Romney paid taxes and Harry Reid knew full well he did, but there is no limit to the lengths the democrat party will go to to cling to the grip of power they have over our lives. Romney paid more than 20 percent, and gave MILLIONS to charity. Any single democrat politician care to compare that number? The hypocricy of the alleged "taxgate" by a party and administration with Tim Gietner and Charley Rangle at the helm is obvious. Remember folks - our treasury secretary failed to pay his taxes, citing an error, but was chosen as a cabinet member anyway. Charley Wrangle hid income and home ownership, but skated as well. CC.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:16 AM
Thursday, September 6, 2012
New National Records!!
Record gas prices on Labor Day. Record number of weeks with unemployment over 8%. Record number of citizens on food stamps. Record number of women out of work. Record deficit created in a single Presidential term. Record food prices. Record amount of contributions from unions to Democratic candidates. SOMEONE CALL GUINESS!!.............................or..........lets make this election about the President'S and Mitt Romney's RECORD. CC
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
4:54 PM
Heeees Baaaaackkkkk!
Although under a kinder,more christian name, I'm back. Sort of. With work and family pressures always present, the political season has motivated me to check my own BLOG. WOW. I hope to comment more soon. Until then dodge the rhetoric, vote your principles - and .............clearly.........elect a new President. CC
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
4:37 PM
Friday, July 15, 2011
TAHL Has Left The Vilage!
That's right, we have moved out of Ottawa Hills, and joined the ranks of Toledo taxpayers who also get a vote. We enjoyed our years in Ottawa Hills immensely, and want to thank all our neighbors, friends, teachers, counsel members, coaches, firemen, and cops.
We have moved to District 5, in Washington Local, Whitmer School District. So far so good, nice small brick house, lower purchase price than the Village and lower taxes. We don't rely on the police for our personal safety, and chose a nice neighborhood, so I don't expect any problems on that front. There are in fact two cops (from other jurisdictions) on our street.
So I am now an official voter on City of Toledo issues, not just a taxpayer forced to take what is dealt without a say. I have already e-mailed my councilman, Tom Wainewski, and gotten a quick, brief, but thoughtful response.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
3:08 PM
Friday, March 25, 2011
Bonds but no Panthers!!
I am not a Barry Bonds fan or a SF Giants fan. I never really liked Bonds for his attitude and unwillingness to interact with fans. That being said, I am irate that the the Federal government - the Justice Department - is spending tens of thousands of dollars to prosecute Bond for perjury, while refusing to prosecute the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation.
Lets be clear - this is not a racial issue, or even a Democrat vs. Republican issue. The Black Panthers adulterated the right of Americans to VOTE, the most precious freedom we have. And yet, the government refuses to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
However, chasing false testimony in baseball steroid use investigations (an area the federal government has no business in)is allowed to continue.
Shame on you President Obama and Eric Holder. Your dereliction if duty is criminal.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:11 AM