Friday, October 12, 2012

Travesty and Lies

A U.S. ambassador and his limited security team are murdered on the anniversary of 9/11/01. The President does nothing. FOUR DAYS LATER......... CNN sends a team, who find the Ambassador’s personal journal. No US investigation team had even been to the consulate to secure the scene. TRAVESTY. Then the President goes on TV apologizing for a bogus YouTube video as the cause of the attack. LIE. Continues to discount and deny. When U.S. personnel are killed abroad, the President should immediately send a team to secure the scene, recover, and protect the personnel, and any sensitive materials. The State Department and CIA should immediately dispatch an investigation team. Instead, our weak, capitulating administration cows to our enemies, blames our own citizenry and policies, and denies the true threat and their culpability. A month later - our Vice President bashes the intelligence community, LIES again about prior warning and full disclosure, and belittles himself and our Nation. Travesty and Lies. CC

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