City counsel is considering a proposal to increase the fine for speeding and red light violations caught by traffic cameras within the city. Personal, political, and constitutional arguments aside, why would the city counsel be considering such a move at this time while a case is currently before the Ohio Supreme Court on the constitutionality of such tickets, and legislation has been proposed at the state level banning all such measures. Additionally, several cases from Toledo are currently being litigated on this issue, including, as the recent Blade article stated, one seeking class action status.
Why not wait. If the violations are ruled to be unconstitutional, or the legislation passes banning them, what benefit will the city have gained by this most recent move. The counsel may in fact have created a larger job for the law department in attempting to collect from the private company after the fact and defending the potential flood of lawsuits.
The facts about this enforcement method are sketchy at best. They have not been shown to reduce accidents. When a driver is approaching an intersection with a camera, it is unlikely they have the time or aforethought to consider the camera when making the decision to go through or aggressively apply their brakes. IF they do consider the camera, they are likely to stop more abruptly (or try to, often on wet/icy roads), potentially causing more accidents when the drivers behind them don't anticipate the quick stop. On a national level the cameras have been shown to be ineffective, and increase accidents.
I trust the science; the technology, delay in photo activation, and video replay systems in place are accurate. BUT, I don't agree with taking enforcement discretion out of the equation, removing the due process rights of: confrontation, presentation of evidence, and fair trial/hearing out of traffic enforcement for financial gain. But I digress.
My initial point is, once again the city is considering a counterproductive, potentially inefficient and costly move toward increased government control, the big brother state, and waisting its time and resources on measures that may be deemed illegal soon by our Supreme Court and Legislature.
Take a breath Carty, Chief Navarre and Counsel................lets see where the chips fall before we ante up more citizens freedom for the almighty dollar to a private Arizona company.
I guess I will add my pending red light ticket to the class action.
The A-Hole.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Increase while you can - limit the damage later
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:53 AM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Sad Appreciation
Today on my way into work I pulled behind a shiny new TPD patrol cruiser.
My first thought was, "cool a new police car, they deserve it, and as a city we deserve it." I was all warm and fuzzy feeling inside.
Then it hit me. HOW SAD is it that I am so used to seeing crappy, broken down, dirty, embarrassing patrol cars, that this clean new one was a shock and surprise.
Toledo and NW Ohio have allot to offer (and I don't want to be known as one of the people who down Toledo as a city) but the Mayor's policies, budget decisions, politics and the Democrat's long standing control over the area make it harder and harder each day.
Vote early, vote new taxes ----- and limit the old ones too.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
2:56 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Counter Productive?? A union does Toledo another disservice
A corporate giant buys HCR Manor care. Manor care appears to be a well run company providing quality service. (Notice before the buyout there were no cries of mistreated residents or poor health care at their facilities.) The corporate giant at this point may not have any reason to move the headquarters, fire personnel, or make any large scale changes, all of which would cost substantial amounts of money.
A union - seeing a chance to make some headlines - decides to protest the corporate buyout, knowing full well that they will have ZERO IMPACT in the decision to sell. In standard union form they attack the income of the director, make false allegations about the quality of the service provided (health care will decline), and attempt to influence people through fear -- "The 700 jobs will be lost to elsewhere!!!"
The corporate giant, who previously did not have a reason to make changes, sees this political stunt as in indication of the headaches it may face if it maintains the headquarters of its newly acquired corporation in Toledo, Ohio. Measuring the cost of change against the cost and heartache of the status quo, do you think the union has DECREASED the likelihood of Toledo losing these 700 jobs or INCREASED that chance?
Do you think other large employers who may consider NW Ohio as a potential investment location are encouraged to do so when faced with this union protest, or more likely to choose another city for investment?
We won't even talk about the other businesses in that building being adversely effected by the locked doors. Ficocia's apparently was "closed for repairs," or the expenditure of YOUR TAX DOLLARS on the increased police presence at this sham of a political stunt.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
1:32 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
SCHIP - Rhetoric - Another Ohio Dem. on YouTube
Apparently Robin Weirauch is on Youtube attacking Bush and conservatives who support his veto of the SCHIP program expansion.
With Ohio already expanding its child health insurance welfare program to include families living 200% over the federal poverty line it is no surprise that another Ohio democrat wants to increase Uncle Sam's control of our pocketbooks, wallets, and soon our medical charts, treatment and care.
All the while demonizing cold hearted conservatives who believe in small government, and the idea that the government should not TAKE from me, to GIVE to someone else, regardless of purpose and especially if that person or their family is making $60,000+ a year.
Democrat political definitions: a failure to expand a program = a cut.
Failure to support taking your money (remember kids the Govt. HAS NO MONEY OF ITS OWN) and giving it to someone the Govt. FEELS is deserving = a cold hearted, uncaring, desire to see innocent children suffer.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
3:32 PM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Thank you Stranahan
I want to send a thank you to the Stranahan family, foundation, et al.
The Stranahan Foundation is the reason conservative speakers and guests come to the University of Toledo College of Law. The foundation set up a fund to finance such speeches and events at the law school because Mr. Stranahan knew he could not ensure his money would be used to support conservative ideas if he just gave it to the law school administration. Of this I know what I speak.
Last night I took my family to the Stranahan theater for the first time. We saw Cirque De Sole...........WOW. GREAT venue, great show. I assume it is called the Stranahan because of funding and philanthropy from the family/foundation. I hope I am right. Another shining star in the Toledo/Lucas County area.
I see the Stranahan name in the museum as well, and I think at the Zoo.
Toledo has a lot to offer. It looks like the Stranahan's had much to do with that.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
2:55 PM
Sunday, September 30, 2007
GPA vs. Guts
On Glass City Jungle a post stated that Lucas County and Toledo Muni prosecutors are EXCLUSIVELY the bottom of their law school glasses. Here is my response.
TPDBlue - Your speaking out of your ass, and just like you are offended by generalizations about COPS, you should know better.
“The Prosecutors in Lucas County Common Pleas Court and Toledo Municipal Court are exclusively bottom of their Law School class graduates.” First, not true. Secondly;
Law school class rank has little to do with a lawyer’s ability to interpret, apply, and argue the law, especially criminal law. Why do top class graduates get recruited by large firms, because civil, transactional, and contract law all REQUIRE massive research and writing hours. Those “top of the class” newbie lawyers won’t see a courtroom, interview a witness, or speak to a judge (let alone try a case) for YEARS.
The criminal law does not GENERALLY, have a large research component, but forces a new lawyer to do the groundwork, and actually apply the law on his or her feet. Give me a logical, common sense, dedicated, practical lawyer with some life experience and street sense over a law school valedictorian any day.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
10:42 AM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
The Diaper Babies
This is my RESPONSE to a post on Glass City Jungle related to Toledo courts and prosecutors.
Where to start:
I don’t know Judge Goulding, and I was practicing in another city when he first took the municipal bench.
A quick history of myself to set the context of my comments.
Occupation - Asshole Lawyer-
Resume’ - US Army officer, Cop, diaper wearing Toledo public defendner intern - Asshole lawyer.
Initially ALL FELONIES are heard in Muni court #3.Deals are made on 95% of those charges - BY COUNTY PROSECUTORS. Deals are made by county prosecutors, with the input of the arresting officers and investigating detectives, opposed by SEASONED VETERAN LAWYERS (with the help of diaper wearing interns.)
The diaper babies have years of experience, see thousands of cases, and know both sides when they make a recommendation, which is approved by the defending lawyer and the prosecutor. Chad, there are no “paying” cases.
Carty HAS cut/gutted the CITY prosecutors office; however, he has no bearing on the county prosecutors who are working the felonies heard in municipal court #3.
MOST, of the city prosecutors are neither brain dead or sloppy. Their dockets are overloaded, they have minimal resources, NO JAIL SPACE (which is regulated by federal limits and each JUDGE’S bed space allocation), and they ARE effected by the political machinations and ramblings of Carty and others.
Are many of the prosecutors inexperienced? Yes. But, that is a problem of Federal, State, and local priorities, wages, and APPRECIATION. A well intentioned, hard working, dedicated, civic minded attorney cannot afford to take a prosecution job, or remain for an extended time, unless they are young, single, and willing to pass up on better opportunities as their careers move forward.
Sure, it would be “nice” if these dedicated professionals had the altruistic inclination to remain in the prosecutor’s office for decades becoming masters of their craft and providing citizens with the “Law and Order” version of a local prosecutor. That is simply unrealistic.
Unless the prosecutor is the secondary bread winner for their family, he or she would be doing THEIR FAMILY a disservice by remaining underpaid, overworked, and underappreciated for YEARS, while passing on better jobs.
To the citizens who helped get our fine example of the public arrested. GOOD JOB. Keep it up. Public Safety IS a COMMUNITY ISSUE, which is supported by law enforcement. Replace your outside lights, walk in groups in the neighborhood at night (with cell phones), KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOR and their kids. Report, report, report, report, and document. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Show your documentation to city counsel, the mayors office, and county officials. Elect public safety minded candidates.
FIGHT gun control at all levels. An armed citizenry is a safe citizenry; unarmed we are servants to tyranny and victims of the criminal. Notice, I DID NOT SAY ARM YOURSELF. I said fight gun control. There is a difference!
The decision to be a gun owner and the responsibility that comes with that decision is not something every citizen should or can make appropriately. BUT, in an unarmed society the criminals know that LAW ABIDING citizens do not have that choice.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:49 AM
Friday, September 28, 2007
Cops and Dollars
FIRST - as a former police officer (my asshole roots run deep) let me say I am a big fan of cops. The issue I have today relates to TAX DOLLARS and force managment, and how they are used to keep our citizens safe.
Three days ago, in the evening time after leaving the Asshole factory, I was behind a gaggle of TPS bike patrol cops. They were rolling 6 deep, north on Madison. I understand strength in numbers, especially for bike patrol cops, but my first thought was SIX! C'mon.
Yesterday I drove south on I-75 from Michigan into Ohio. I saw two TPS cruisers parked on the Alexis Rd. ramp, monitoring traffic for speeders, likely aided by an air unit. That did not bother me. I realize the need to control traffic and promote safety through speed and other highway enforcement, and I know solid traffic enforcement leads to the discovery of lots of other CRIME. But, as I continued south I saw SIX MORE TPD UNITS, in the process of conducting traffic stops. That brought the total number of units doing noon-time traffic on I-75 southbound to 8! C'mon.
In a time of limited resources for our dedicated law enforcement professionals, with a real need for a complete presence in all parts of the city, why would Chief Navarre (under the thumb of Carty) concentrate such numbers in these two areas to such an unnecessary extent? Mismanagement? Improper prioritization? Seems like both.
Now, the highway crew was likely being funded by some Federal grant or program for highway enforcement. BUT, - and here is the key kids - Federal dollars or OUR DOLLARS too! Lets make reasoned, rational, common sense decisions about allocation of our public resources, ESPECIALLY public safety resources.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
10:27 AM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Job Security!!
Today I walked into my boss's office. I said to him:
"Boss, I know your doing very well for yourself, but, I also know that overall the firm has been loosing money, and although we put out a great service and product to our clients, the PERCEPTION is that the other firms are doing it better."
"That being said, I would like your guarantee that regardless of overall firm profits I won't lose my job, my health care will remain the best in the country, and my wage -which greatly surpasses the national average and my skill set- will steadily increase on a known scale." He smirked.
"Oh and one more thing, I also need you to ensure that my dad (who retired from the firm 25 years ago and is the main reason I got this job) will still get his very lucrative retirement package till death. If you can't promise me these simple, all American things I worked so hard for, I'm gonna have to strike!" He smirked again, showed me a pile of applications from young, hard-working, new AassHole lawyers, and told me I had till 10:am to clean out my office.
If anyone knows someone, GM and the UAW included, looking for an A-Hole Lawyer willing to work for less than scale, please direct them to my blog.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:01 AM
Labels: Economics 101, Strike, Toledo, Unions, Wages
Friday, September 21, 2007
YES! It is about OIL!
I know the topic is a bit stale, after all Greenspan admitted this early in the week. But, finally someone says it LOUD and should be saying it PROUD.
When people who try and attack the president, republicans, and myself about the war by saying "It's all about oil." I agree with them, usually to their disbelief. No blood for oil! Bullcrap -- we must be willing to fight and spill blood for oil.
This is a national security, democracy sustaining, economic security issue; and going to war in the middle east over oil is not only proper, but necessary.
Like it or not (your beliefs on global warming aside) we live in a carbon fuel based society and economy, nationwide and world wide. Commerce, transportation, food production and defense are all dependant on fossil fuels, I.E. oil.
If the largest oil reserves in the world were controlled by an anti-democracy, anti-west, anti-capitalism, ANTI-U.S. dictator, such a tyrant would have to power to cripple the U.S. economy, and DAY TO DAY ACTIVITIES. Because we have not developed domestic sources, the very real possibility exists that an enemy controlling the middle east could stop life in America cold. No trucks moving goods, planes moving people or products, cars stopped, power plants stopped, lawn mowers and JET FIGHTERS idle.
Because of the liberal policies of the 80's and 90's restricting domestic production, limiting the construction of nuclear plants, stifling refinery construction, and limiting domestic exploration, we are beholden to the powers that be in the middle east.
Sadam was a valid threat to our national security strictly based on this issue, and his demonstrated desire to expand his grip on the gulf. Iran, Syria, Al Qaeda, and the terrorists they support constitute the same valid threat. We can, should, and must continue to fight for democracy in and friendly control of the Middle East.
Otherwise, we will be starved out of existence and forced to succumb to the desires of Muslim extremists who’s proudly stated goal is our exterminations, and they won't have to fire a single bullet or missiles to do it. If we embrace the NO WAR FOR OIL naive perspective, our future is sealed by the turning of a spigot. A very large, very real, MIDDLE EAST OIL SPIGGOT.
The A-Hole
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
3:50 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
$21.00 Welfare Challenge
This is a copy of my RESPONSE, to some COMMENTS to my posting about the Welfare Challenge so publicized this week, on Glasscityjungle.
Its official, I love blogging and glasscityjungle.
LisaRenee - Thoughtful and insightful as always, we can wrestle with the fundamental belief system at length.
Liz -- GREAT response for the most part. See it is possible to respectfully disagree, debate, and banter about FACTS. I challenge many of your facts and assertions, but still GREAT COMMENT.
My screenname is ironic, sarcastic, and true to the stereotype of my profession. My post intentionally picked unhealthy McD's as an illustrative example which some seemed to miss, must not have watched "Fast Food Nation" or simply did not care to comment on.
"Family living on minimum wage." Liz said.
Entry level jobs are not meant to and should not be perceived as designed to support a family. Unfortunately, entry level jobs are now described as "minimum wage" jobs. Toledo takes it further to require a "living wage" be paid for positions that largely are filled by unskilled, uneducated workers. Thus forcing up costs for employers, squeezing out young, dedicated, hard working youth who traditionally took those jobs and were willing to learn a trade or skill at those jobs.
Toledo living wage, $10.57 an hour. 10.57 X 40 hours X 4 weeks = $1691.20
Ohio minimum wage - $6.85 X 40 X 4 = $1096.00.
Michigan minimum wage - 7.40 X 40 X 4 = $1184.00
So one person, working one full time job, and one half time job, can earn $2000 a month. And, in Ohio, would qualify for many public assistance programs. Ohio recently increased its child health care minimum requirements to twice the federal poverty standards, making the children in a family of 4, who's parents make more the $60,000 a year, eligible for Ohio's child medicaid.
All of this ignores the pure political grandstanding nature of the $21.00 challenge.
Thanks for reading...keep on blogging.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
12:54 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Working Hard for the Readers......all one of them!
This is a test to figure out how to ad a link to my blog text.
So please visit The Onion as a trial run.
I am trying to learn how to label them without just putting in the URL, please be patient I am computer challenged, web handicapable, technotarded.
Any help would be appreciated.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
4:17 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
"The Individual Mandate"
They are not even trying to hide it anymore. Why? Because the left knows that the public is completely unaware of the meaning of freedom and liberty and have been brain washed with years of entitlement mentality programming, to the point that MANDATORY government regulation is seen as a good thing.
The "individual mandate" was announced as part of Hillary Clinton's plan for socialized national health care. Her plan is not to let the free market and capitalism drive down the costs of health care, and not to let the individual citizen save for, provide, and determine their own health care needs; her solution is REQUIRE everyone to have it. The strong arm of Uncle Sam oppressing your liberty............but don't worry, its for your own good!
"The centerpiece of Clinton's plan is the so-called "individual mandate," requiring everyone to have health insurance — just as most states require drivers to purchase auto insurance. Rival John Edwards has also offered a plan that includes an individual mandate, while the proposal outlined by Barack Obama does not."
John Edwards' plan includes mandatory yearly physicals, and don't think for a second that your personal medical records will remain private when your going to a government mandated doctor appointment.
The theory that mandatory coverage and mandatory preventative care will reduce costs thus paying for the increased federal spending required to provide national health care is a fallacy. Want to reduce the cost of health care?..........stop providing it free to everyone who is uninsured, illegal, and not facing an immediate acute life threatening condition. Inject capitalism into health care outside of the trade off between insurance premium costs, co-pays, and negotiated payments by health plans.
John Stossel's recent program on health care featured a woman, who was uninsured because of pre-existing cancer. He commented that she "only goes to the doctor when she really needs to." WHATS WRONG WITH THAT? Shouldn't everyone only go to the doctor when they need to. Because we only pay co-pays, and reduced drug prices, we 1) don't know the real price of health care and don't pay it; and 2) go to the doctor more than is necessary, because we don't bear the costs individually.
The woman on the program was uninsured because she VOLUNTARILY left her job (which had full benefits) to pursue a career as a private real estate broker. HER CHOICE. Yes, its unfortunate that after she made that choice she was diagnosed with cancer, but that is not a reason to force me, or any other citizen, to pay for her care.
"That is awfully cold and uncaring of you A-Hole!" You might say. "What if your family member had cancer and couldn't get care?" Well, I would help them. If that was not enough, they could seek help from other charitable PRIVATE organizations, if that was not enough they might die. Sad? Yes. Heartbreaking? Yes. A reason to force complete strangers (American citizens) to pay for my family member's care because we cannot? NO. Remember, the government has no money of its own. The government does not earn any money by producing any products or services for profit. The government's money is YOUR MONEY. You should choose how to spend it, how to provide charity with it, or provide YOUR OWN INSURANCE.
The A-Hole.
p.s. The A-Hole is not callous, was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and is not speaking without personal experience in this area. The A-Hole has family with cancer, has lived uninsured by choice and had to pay private insurance as well. The A-Hole would love to strike out on his own and run a small office with his name on the door. He CHOOSES not to, largely because of the benefit of health care provided by working in his dark, demoralizing, oppressive cubical that is owned, controlled, and ruled by an evil capitalist law firm.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
8:36 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Demonizing Big Profits -
This was my response to a comment to one of my earlier posts. Keep Em Coming.
Thanks for your comment Tom. I appreciate all views, especially intelligent, respectful debate.
My first thought when reading your comment is related to the profit of parent companies as the explanation for why benefits, salaries, etc. should be increased or as more common OVER TAXED.
A company's sole purpose is to raise money. Money for its owners, shareholders, employees, and investors. We all go to work each day to make a profit off our labor and increase our wealth.
Modern liberal politics has demonized the successful business because it is an easy, gut reaction, emotion stirring way to justify their socialism agenda. A company's profit, or the fact that "they can afford it," has no relation to the value of one individuals work, a proper wage and benefit package for that work, and/or earned merit increases. But profit totals (rarely profit margin) are used to justify mandatory higher taxes, higher wages, or forced concessions in bargaining.
The prime example recently is the much published and demonized "Big Oil Profits." Hillary Clinton in fact actually said she would like to TAKE, TAKE, those profits and distribute it to whom she feels deserves it more (IE. welfare, national health care, taxes).
Oil companies spend BILLIONS to find oil, refine it, and provide it in the marketplace to those who need it. Exxon spend 394 Billion dollars in 2005 to earn their record 36 billion dollar profit. The operated on approximately an 8% profit margin. 8%. But the big number gets the news and attacks, not the investment required or the moderate profit margin.
Oil companies employ hundreds of thousands of people, pay billions in taxes, and are the foundational stocks for MOST retirement, pension, and investment portfolios. I am willing to bet that most if not EVERY union pension/retirement plan is invested in energy stocks.
Therefore, if Oil companies voluntarily cut their profits for good will, charity, socialistic ideals, or altruism, they would be cutting the pensions, paychecks and futures of every worker, shareholder, pension plan and good ole Uncle Sam. The presidents and executive boards of those companies would be rightfully fired, and many of their biggest critics would be screaming about the reduction in their personal retirement accounts.
A Company's profit total is not a valid justification for demonizing it.
Thanks for reading my blog and commenting.
The A-Hole.
ps..check your retirement portfolio.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
12:25 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Strippers and Touching and Children------OH MY!
My letter on SB16 - The Community Defense Act - to Co-sponsor, Senator Amstutz.
Senator Amstutz:
I am a conservative republican father of two in the Toledo area. I have been reading recently about SB 16 and its proposed restrictions on adult businesses, specifically "strip clubs."
I also recently read that you support, and in fact co-sponsored the bill to "protect Ohio families."
My sincere question to you is, How does SB16 protect families?
Before answering please understand, I am neither a patron or other financial supporter of strip bars or "adult entertainment businesses." But, I am a small government minded, local rule leaning, largely libertarian belief based republican, who believes that unnecessary and unfettered Federal, State or Local control of private business is at its core counterproductive, and largely applied in an unconstitutional manner.
Secondly, I am a former police officer and current attorney. [read - AssholeLawyer] At present, adult entertainment establishments concentrate their patrons in zoning controlled areas, keep them OFF the streets and playgrounds (anticipating your arguments for the bill) and allow governments -including their police forces- to regulate this behavior at specific controlled locations.
Closing adult entertainment establishments at midnight, or alcohol based businesses at 2am, will simply force said patrons onto the streets. Unless strip clubs exist that operate at or near schools and playgrounds during daylight hours, how will late night and early morning closings "protect" any kids or families?
I recognize this proposed legislation as "feel good" on the surface, and very tough to vote against given the sexual nature of the subject matter. But, as a republican, it is your duty to uphold the tenants of our party and our constitution. This bill is the overreaching regulation of private business and individual liberty for no real, tangible effect.
As importantly, this regulation is yet another anti-business, anti-free market step taken by Ohio which will support the mass retreat from our state, and further indicates to businesses who may consider Ohio as a potential investment location, that their future is brighter elsewhere.
I await your response. Thank you for your service to our state.
The A-Hole
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
3:08 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Admit Progress..............Neutralize Petraeus before his report......Ignore progress
Pick a position and stick with it...........or at least present contradictory propaganda in some orderly fashion.
First some liberal newsies admit progress in Iraq....
The Dems concede but shadow the information by stating that no political gains have been made. Before the cry was that you cant have political gain without military success and security, then once some success is achieved the cry changes to can't have military success without political gains......................
The Dems then spend a week or more launching preemptive strikes against the Petraeus report, BEFORE HE SAYS A SINGLE polarize support from their sheeple followers who believe everything they see on network news and CNN.
And lastly, in concert the national media and Dems refuse to report or admit successes in Iraq including this recent development
Barham Salih, deputy prime minister in charge of the economy, told reporters in Washington by video link from Baghdad that the revenue sharing dispute had been settled during three days of intense talks at a “retreat” last week.
“That contentious issue is out,” he said. The cabinet hopes to present the draft law to parliament by the end of the year, he added.
Peace through strength...........success LONG TERM....and defense of our freedoms on a battlefield outside of our borders are the key to our security.
The A-Hole
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
11:17 AM
Friday, September 7, 2007
New Orleans, Newark, Toledo
Shining examples of what single party rule and a long history of governance by democrats can give.
And yet, Toledo city counsel recently improperly removed its republican city counsel president to unify the A&B team democrats and prepare for the upcoming general election in 08.
When will the citizens of Toledo realize that the ideals and beliefs of their parents' democrats are not shared by the modern democratic party, that unions (while a necessary part of labor reform in the 1920's) are a cause of the economic problems of our community currently, and that continuing to do the same things over and over politically and expecting a different result is the definition of CRAZY.
Have a good weekend.
The A-hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
3:14 PM
Labels: Crazy, democrats, New Orleans, politics, Toledo
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Jerry Lewis...............C'mon its a WORD!
Fag, Fag, Fag, Fag, Fag, Fag, Fag, Faggot, Faggot, Faggot, Faggot.
Anyone in pain over reading this? Anyone offended............fine, don't read on, don't visit my page again......and continue to go through the world believing that you have a RIGHT not to be offended and the right to be oversensitive.
But don't get upset that according to John Edwards if he is President, everyone WILL HAVE TO GO TO THE DR. to reduce health costs via preventative care. Big brother mandates your yearly "check up!!" Don't worry it will be FREE!
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
9:22 AM
Friday, August 31, 2007
Gonzales lied under oath!!..........................................................(Clinton)
The Senator from Idaho MAY have been looking for a good time with men!.........................(Frank)
Karl Rove orchestrated the Republican party's campaigns and he is a rich white guy!.............(Soros)
Fox news is a patsy and tool for the conservative religious right!.....................................(ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, Dan Rather)
We need change in American politics!.....................(Kenne...........hiccup...........dy, Clinton, Byrd, Schumer)
The Republican Right is the most corrupt party in our nations history!........................(Travelgate, cash in the freezer, sweetheart Nevada land deals, JACK ABRAMOV, pardons for terrorists, drug dealers, and family members)
happy Labor Day.............almost got your taxes paid by September.
The A-Hole.
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
7:53 AM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Colors of Blog
What Color should I post in?
How can I strive not to OFFEND any of my readers?
I must of course consider the sensibilities of EVERY citizen surfing the web who may stray onto my page and be subject to my assertions.
Guess I will stay with Red...............blood red...........Good Ole American Red........with some White and Blue thrown in for good measure.
Sorry if I offend anyone.
The A-Hole Lawyer
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
4:41 PM
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
No..............not birth control, or abortion, or other pseudo fundamental rights........BLOG Conception.
Does a blog begin to exist when it is only a twinkle in the author's mind....or
When the blood begins to flow to the organ of imagination.....or
When fully erect the words spill onto the web page??
I gotta get a sock or a towel......
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
1:42 PM
Labels: blog, conception, creation, politics