A corporate giant buys HCR Manor care. Manor care appears to be a well run company providing quality service. (Notice before the buyout there were no cries of mistreated residents or poor health care at their facilities.) The corporate giant at this point may not have any reason to move the headquarters, fire personnel, or make any large scale changes, all of which would cost substantial amounts of money.
A union - seeing a chance to make some headlines - decides to protest the corporate buyout, knowing full well that they will have ZERO IMPACT in the decision to sell. In standard union form they attack the income of the director, make false allegations about the quality of the service provided (health care will decline), and attempt to influence people through fear -- "The 700 jobs will be lost to elsewhere!!!"
The corporate giant, who previously did not have a reason to make changes, sees this political stunt as in indication of the headaches it may face if it maintains the headquarters of its newly acquired corporation in Toledo, Ohio. Measuring the cost of change against the cost and heartache of the status quo, do you think the union has DECREASED the likelihood of Toledo losing these 700 jobs or INCREASED that chance?
Do you think other large employers who may consider NW Ohio as a potential investment location are encouraged to do so when faced with this union protest, or more likely to choose another city for investment?
We won't even talk about the other businesses in that building being adversely effected by the locked doors. Ficocia's apparently was "closed for repairs," or the expenditure of YOUR TAX DOLLARS on the increased police presence at this sham of a political stunt.
The A-Hole.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Counter Productive?? A union does Toledo another disservice
Posted by
Cynical Counsel
1:32 PM
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Letter I sent to to HCR Administrator:
This is a formal statement which I wish to have included as part of your records regarding
The above patient. Mr. B......, my husband, came into this facility 30 days ago
Without serious skin breakdown on his posterior & buttocks, he leaves with major skin
Deterioration of this area. Within the first week under care here, I found him being left
On wet sheets for two days, after which he consequently developed SEVERE skin
The level of care here is appalling, most nights I found two nurses having to care
For 75 patients, many on ventilators, &/or frail. Many times there was no one available to
Enable my husband to defecate or urinate, let alone feed him. Countless times I found
Untouched cold food sitting on a tray at his bedside, either no one remembered to feed
Him or they were too busy. I constantly had to be there to do the job you have been
Compensated to do, either to assist him in eating or in elimination. The above incidents
Are only the tip of the iceberg, but I shall concern my statement of complaint to these
Specific matters & insist this statement/objection be included in your records.
Bit of inspection report on this HCR facility....
Date of this inspection: 06/12/2003
Complaint Investigations During: 04/01/2003 - 06/30/2004
Total number of health deficiencies for this nursing home: 10
Average number of Health Deficiencies in the United States: 7
Range of Health Deficiencies in : 1 - 12
View Previous Inspection Results
And let's not forget a disabled woman was left out in the sun to roast to death last year at HCR.
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