Friday, September 7, 2007

New Orleans, Newark, Toledo

Shining examples of what single party rule and a long history of governance by democrats can give.

And yet, Toledo city counsel recently improperly removed its republican city counsel president to unify the A&B team democrats and prepare for the upcoming general election in 08.

When will the citizens of Toledo realize that the ideals and beliefs of their parents' democrats are not shared by the modern democratic party, that unions (while a necessary part of labor reform in the 1920's) are a cause of the economic problems of our community currently, and that continuing to do the same things over and over politically and expecting a different result is the definition of CRAZY.

Have a good weekend.

The A-hole.


ztoda said...

While I do agree that SOME unions are corrupt and self serving, not all unions are. The union I belong to has worked to bring jobs back to the region, while maintaining present employment levels. The union has also negotiated so that I do not have to pay a penny for my benefits. we also have no forced overtime, in other words, we get to have a life!!!

You may think that we, my coworkers and I, should have to pay for benefits. I reply to that, the company made $8,000,000,000 in profits last year. They can afford the benefits.

One more thing sit, unions are the prople that brought you weekends and vacations, so enjoy them while you bad mouth the unions.

Tom Miller

Cynical Counsel said...

Thanks for your comment Tom. I appreciate all views, especially intelligent, respectful debate.

My first thought when reading your comment is related to the profit of parent companies as the explanation for why benefits, salaries, etc. should be increased or as more common OVER TAXED.

A companies sole purpose is to raise money. Money for its owners, shareholders, employees, and investors. We all go to work each day to make a profit off our labor and increase our wealth.

Modern liberal politics has demonized the succesful business because it is a easy, gut reaction, emotion stirring way to justify their socilism agenda.

A companies profit, or the fact that "they can afford it" has not relation to the value of one individuals work, a proper wage and benefit package for that work, and/or earned merit increases.

But profit totals (rarely margin) are used to justify mandatory higher taxes, higher wages, or forced concessions in barganing.

The prime example recently is the much published and demonized "Big Oil Profits." Hillary Clinton in fact actually said she would like to TAKE, TAKE, those profits and distribute it to whom she feels deserves it more (IE. welfare, national healthcare, taxes).

Oil companies spend BILLIONS to find oil, refine it, and provide it in the marketplace to those who need it. Exon spend 394 Billion dollars in 2005 to earn their recor 36 billion dollar profit. The operated on approximately an 8% profit margin. 8%. But the big number gets the news, and attacks, not the investment required or the minimal profit margin.

Oil companies employ hundreds of thousands of people, pay billions in taxes, and are the foundational stocks for MOST retirment, pension, and investment portfolios. I am willing to bet that most if not EVERY union pension/retirment plan is invested in energy stocks.

Thefeore, if Oil companies voluntarily cut their profits for good will, charity, socialistic ideals, or altruism, they would be cutting the pensions, paychecks and futures of every worker, shareholder, pension plan and good ole Uncle Sam.

The presidents and executive boards of those companies would be rightfully fired, and many of their biggest critics would be screaming about the reduction in their personal retirment bottom line.

A company's profit total is not a valid justification for demonizing it.

Thanks for reading my blog and commenting.

The A-Hole.

ps..check your retirment portfolio.